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(You can play the song now and as you read you'll understand what it is for p.s I really love this)

Readers POV

Hi my name is (full name) I am a daughter of Poseidon and I have a special talent that nobody knows about not even my brother. Since I was little I had the gift to be able to play the piano as if I had played it in my other life. Nobody exactly knew about this gift only my music teachers who would keep my secret safe. I would practice after school when there aren't any students left. I figured out that there is a small cabin out in the woods of Camp Half Blood that is filled with many instruments. My eye instantly caught the grand piano sitting lonely at the corner. Dust lightly covered the black paint job. I searched through my bag to find an extra towel I carried around in case I ever went swimming. (You know being a daughter of Poseidon). I grabbed it and lightly cleaned the black and white keys on the piano. After that I cleaned the bench and I finally took a seat. I placed my hands on the keys and played my favorite chord. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sound that filled my ears. It had been about two years. Two years since I got here and two years since I have sat at a piano. After the sound faded I took in a played my favorite song. The whole thing came back to me and I remember the song perfectly as if I had never stopped playing.

*song above is played (I love it so much 😭)*

I let the song ring at the end. I opened my eyes and I smiled to myself. I found myself something that I will cherish.

---------------One Year Later-------------

I have been visiting the little cabin ever since I found it. One day when I was walking to my cabin I found a boy lightly crying. After I comforted him we became good friends. Would hang out ever since. We became the best of friends a little later and we were inseparable except for when I would disappear to go to the little cabin.

As upsetting as it was I couldn't tell him my secret. It something that I cherish that I wouldn't want others to know. Being at the piano is a way to release my emotions that build up. Since I'm a demigod these emotions build up quite often and it is very relaxing to let go of my emotions.

Currently I was sitting at the beach with Nico besides me. I was complaining on how bad my day was. Sometimes it's easy to release some of my emotions to him by talking about my problems. But I can't get myself to tell him about one major problem that torments me the most.

My love for him.

It's ridiculous how much I love that boy. He had this effect and power over me that he doesn't even know about. I know that he doesn't feel the same since he has a tiny crush on the famous son of Apollo and liked my brother Percy. Honestly I don't blame him for crushing on my brother. Poseidon kids are blessed with good looks. (A/N: insert hair flip here) 

After I rant about my horrible day we both stay silent hearing the waves from the beach crash into the shore. He decides to break the silence.

"The water reminds me of Will's eyes." He blurted out.

I immediately became upset but I wasn't going to let my emotions show. I'm practically at an expert at that from how often I do it.

"You really like Will don't you?" I asked looking at the beach in order to become more calm.

"Yeah. I was thinking about telling him how I feel" he said running his hands through his silk black hair.

I sigh. "If you really like him I think you should tell him. Anyone would be lucky to have someone like you" I said not realizing what I said.

My eyes quickly widened. "I mean it in the most friendliest way!"

Shit I thought. Way to go he probably thinks you like him you stupid I said in my head mentally face palming

"Yeah I totally get you" he said with a small smile causing you to blush.

How oblivious can he be. I've done this before as if leaving settle clues. I think boys are too stupid to see it sometimes. I thought.

"Um I have to go I think Percy was waiting for me. Better be safe than sorry with him. He can get really sensitive sometimes. Okay bye" I mumbled out awkwardly.

I run to my cabin to quickly get some stuff before I sneak off into my secret music room.

As I get to my music room I become more and more upset. As I walk in I sit on the piano bench before I begin to sob.

He will never love me. Get that in your head. Your just his friend. That's all you'll ever be. Nothing more. Don't get your hopes up. I thought to myself as more negative thought filled my head making me sob harder.

(PLEASE COMMENT AND TELL ME IF YOU WANT ME TO MAKE A PART 2. P.s: Please correct me on any grammar errors.)

-Nico's still disappointing girlfriend 😔

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