Chapter Seven

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"What do you think you're doing with my little sister!?!" Thomas screams.

Newt lets go of me. "You scared her, I was just trying to make her feel better," Newt says then hops out of the tree. I follow.

"That doesn't make it okay for you to hug her! And what did you do, follow her here?"

"I saw her run in here, crying. Would it have been better if I had just let her?"

"Thomas, why do you care?" I ask.

"Y/n, just come with me. We're going back to the homestead. And we're to tell Alby about this."

Alby? Oh, he was the leader, I remember Newt telling me about him. "Why do we need to tell Alby?"

"Because of what Newt did!"

"What exactly did Newt do?"

"He hugged you and he would've kept going if I hadn't saved you!"

"Tommy, it wasn't like that-" Newt tries to explain but I cut him off.

"That's not what we were doing and I let him hug me so what exactly are you planning on telling Alby?" I ask.

Thomas just stands there, helpless. "Y/n I'd like a word with you. Newt we'll have a little conversation later," Thomas says.

"Bye, y/n," Newt mumbles. Then he just walks away.

"Why are you being so bossy?" I ask Thomas.

"Because I care, okay? I know I've only known you for a day but I feel like I need to protect you, it's the sibling thing.  Even though all of the gladers are family here, we're not blood family and with blood family it's just different, you know?" Thomas confesses.

"Yeah, I get it, me too."

"I just care. If something happened it would be all my fault. I don't know what I'd do," Thomas looks down, embarrassed. I can tell the gladers don't really show emotions, so this is a big deal.

"It's okay, I understand."

Thomas looks up, a small smile on his face. "Let's go back to the homestead. I'll show you where your hammock is."

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