Chapter Twelve

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Newt walks over to the refrigerator, while I lean on one of the counters.

"Oh good he has pancake batter," Newt says taking out a large bowl.

"How many times have you made pancakes?" I ask.


"Never? And you're just gonna go for it?"

"What could go wrong?" Newt says as he turns the stove on to its highest setting and sets a pan over the burner. He pours some batter onto the pan and looks over at me. "Easy as pie."

I walk over to correct his mistakes. "You should turn it down, that's way too hot."

"I'm way too hot?" he mocks.

I reset the stove to half the amount of heat he set it on. "I meant the burner."

"I'm sure you did, love."

"Just make the damn pancakes."

Soon enough, Newt produces two plates, each with a perfect golden pancake on it.

"Eat up."

I take a cautious bite, still unsure whether they're safe for consumption. "Oh my god, Newt, these are amazing."

"Really?" Newt asks, he still hasn't eaten his. He takes his first bite. "Oh wow. I thought I would burn them."

After we finish our pancakes Newt turns on the burner again.

"What are you doing?"

"It's your turn," Newt states as if it's the most obvious thing ever.

"Wait-" I begin to say, but Newt cuts me off.

"No buts about it, you're doing it."

"Fine, don't make fun of me when they suck."

After Newt shows me how to flip the pancakes, I put them both on plates and he takes the first bite.

"What do you think?"

Newt doesn't say anything for a moment. "Y/n, I have no idea how to put this kindly, so I'm just gonna say it. I have never tasted something simultaneously raw and burnt."

"I told you I didn't want to."

"It probably could've been worse."

"It couldn't have been that bad." I take a bite of mine, Newt tries to stop me, but I keep going anyways. "Oh god what did I do?"

We both start laughing.

"I guess we know you won't be a cook."

"Speaking of that, what job will I have?"

"Today you'll be trying out jobs with me, after that you'll decide which one you liked the best."

"What's your job?"

"I work in the gardens."

"Sounds fun."

"You'd be good in the gardens."

"Maybe I'll work in the gardens then."

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