Chapter Sixteen

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"So..." I start to say sitting down against the wall.

Newt sits down next to me. "So."

We sit for a few minutes until Newt breaks the silence, "I guess they're really keeping us in here."

"Until Thomas wins the bet."


"Are you gonna tell me what the bet is?"

Newts face goes white. "The bet? Um..."

"I don't understand why you can't just tell me, you've never hid anything from me before," I say, pretending to be angrier than I actually am. I understand why he isn't telling me, but I wish he just would.

Newt jumps up and stands right across from me, "I'm not hiding anything!"

I stand up to get on his level, but failing as he is much taller than I am. "You're obviously hiding something from me, otherwise it would be someone else stuck in here. Just tell me what, then everything will go back to normal."

"No it won't, you don't understand." He looks down.

I can't let this go on anymore, I have to tell him. "I can't stand this any longer. Newt, I know what the bet is, I've known the whole time. Why is it so hard for you to tell me that you like me?"

He looks up, his face bright red. "You- you know? When?"

"My bed is right in between yours and Thomas's, I heard last nights conversation and the other one a couple weeks ago. I didn't know what to do, and I thought I would just wait until you were ready to tell me and then I would tell you how I feel afterwards."

His face turns from embarrassment and fear to shock and joy. Newt puts his hands next to me on the wall of the shed, trapping me between his arms. "How do you feel?" He whispers into my ear.

"No, no, no. That's not how the bet works, you first."

He kisses my cheek, "I love you."

His face is so close to mine, I can't control myself any longer. Our lips crash together, my hands in his hair, Newt pushing me against the wall.

When we stop to breath I answer him. "I love you too."

We continue kissing until we hear the door unlock and open. Newt and I stop and look over at who opened it.

"SUCK IT FRYPAN!!!" Thomas screams, running around in circles outside of the gardening shed. He stops right in front of Frypan and says, "I win."

Newt looks away from them and we stare into each other's eyes. Before kissing me again he says, "no, I win."

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