Chapter Eight

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"Your hammock is right here next to mine," Thomas says gesturing to a large piece of fabric tied to two poles. To the left is his hammock. "I made sure you were next to me so you'd be safe."

"Thanks Thomas, but I'll be fine."

"You never know what the other boys will do."

"What?" I ask, panicking.

"It's fine, I'll be right next to you."


"I'll be right back, I'm just gonna grab some blankets."

"I thought you were gonna be right next to me."

"Would you not like blankets?"


I lie down in my hammock and look up at the sunset. All of the colors mixing together, it's beautiful.

Suddenly I hear someone sit down in the hammock to my right. I look up, realizing it's Newt I relax again.

"Hello, love. Surprised Thomas is letting you sleep there, he's probably scared I'll hug you again while he's sleeping," Newt says sarcastically.

"What would he do if you gave me a hand shake?" I ask.

"Or a high five?" Newt jokes.

"A fist bump."

Then Newt says something I never thought I would hear, "what if we kissed?"

A familiar voice ruins our fun. "Very funny shanks." Thomas looks straight at Newt. "If you kiss her I will personally banish you," he threatens.

"Message received," Newt says, putting his hands up.

"Don't touch her while I'm gone," Thomas says, waving his finger back and forth. Newt and I try to stifle our laughs, but when we lock eyes we can't help but burst into giggles. After Thomas has left we lie in our hammocks in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying each other's company.

"I'm going to dinner," Newt says getting up and beginning to walk away. He turns around, "you coming, love?"

He holds out his arm for me to take. I take his arm and we walk off to dinner.

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