Chapter 11: Confused

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So once again, mixing it up with Brittany's POV!


Britt's POV

I just stood next to Jen in complete astonishment.

So THAT’S what Ben was trying to hide from us earlier! Wow, Dylan has never blown his top like that before.

I heard that the football coach had a strict no cussing policy on his team, and Dylan just broke that rule about…hmm, 16 times?

Seriously, no one has ever pushed him to that point. As a matter of fact, Burke High has been running pretty well with minor disturbances here and there, but seriously in only one day Matt has done more damage than any other student could do in a month by pissing off the head honcho of the school.

Nobody, I repeat NOBODY pisses Dylan off the way Matt does…and that’s not good at all. Jen is so beyond screwed.

I feel bad for her, but I guess all I can really do is be there, stand beside her…kind of like I’m doing right now.

“Whoa” I said still a bit shocked.

“Whoa is right” she said next to me.

“Well it’s already like 5 and the team is packing up. I should get home Jen” I said gently coaxing her out to the parking lot.

“Yeah sure, I’m supposed to give Matt a ride home anyway” she said with a bit of anxiety to her voice.

“Ooh, well um…good luck with that I guess…” I replied. This is sure to be interesting.

“Yeah I’ll need it” she joked nervously, and we walked our separate ways; me to my cherry red convertible and her to her white F150.

Right before I got in my car I feel two strong arms grab my waist and pull me backwards until my back came in contact with a rock hard chest. He started kissing down my neck and I realized his shirt was slightly damp.

“Ew Kyle, you’re all sweaty!” I whined pulling myself from his grip.

“Awww come on baby!” He pouted giving me his irresistible puppy dog face. I used give in so easily with that face, but for some reason it wasn’t working on me lately.

I sighed, “Kyle…” I started, leaning against my car. I guess he took that as an invitation, and dove right into another make out session.

I took that opportunity to once again search for that little spark thing I got with Ben, but once again, it wasn’t happening!

I tried that earlier in ceramics class, but much to my disappointment, no luck. No matter what I did with my tongue or my hands…NOTHING! Kyle was sure loving it though. I felt him smirk into the kiss and I mentally rolled my eyes.

The whole time, I couldn’t get my mind off Ben…I even caught myself wondering what it would be like if it were him standing in front of me, not my boyfriend.

That thought freaked me out and I hastily pushed Kyle away to come up for air.

“Okay Kyle I should really get home…”

“Ugh fine. See you tomorrow babe.” He gave me one last peck on the lips before walking off back to his own car.

As I was driving home, I used the alone time in my car to think about things. Lately, making out with Kyle has lost its excitement. I just don’t enjoy it as much as I used to.

On the other hand, when I accidentally kissed Ben that day in the pool, it was out of this world. Like all the hot-football-player-make out sessions in the world couldn’t compare to that epic sparky thing I got when I just accidentally touched lips with Ben. It was like someone taking a gallon sized coke, shaking it like crazy, and letting it explode inside of you, releasing the fizzies everywhere. It was the craziest feeling in the world.

But like, why would I get that with Ben Taylor of all people? I never liked him that way before…sure I’ll admit he’s gotten hot, but he’s Jen’s little brother! That’s awkward.

“Argggh!” I groaned aloud. ‘Brittany Thomas pull yourself together! Don’t let Jen’s brother screw up your picture perfect relationship!’ I thought.

I mean the feelings that I have for Kyle run deep, it’s not something that can easily be swept under a rug like it’s nothing…we have history. We’ve been together for so long, that it’s become second nature for us.

Just…lately…the relationship has lost it’s…excitement. I’ve gotten a bit bored with Kyle. The flaws of his character stand out more prominently now, and most importantly, I don’t really enjoy kissing him anymore, and I can’t help but wonder why.

Is it possible to fall out of love with someone? And if so, why the hell NOW of all times?.........NO BRITT! Don’t think like that! You’re not falling out of love with Kyle!

I shook those thoughts from my mind. I remember Ben trying to tell me that Kyle was cheating on me once last year, but I blew it off because that’s just typical behavior of most boys at Burke High.

Yeah, Ben was just another typical high school boy like the rest of them…trying to get me to break up with my perfect boyfriend so they can have a shot with me.

I’m not really that great. Personally, I hate the constant attention, the feeling that I have to be perfect all the time because so many people are scrutinizing over my every move.

Sometimes being popular is quite exhausting. But once you’re in, it’s not that easy to voluntarily get out…especially when you have a boyfriend like Kyle Harris.

“UGH!!!” I groaned aloud once again. Get your head straight Britt! I thought. I needed a spa day.

Whenever I’m really stressed or have a lot on my mind, I always go for a day at the spa to unwind, clear my mind and just chill out. So when I got home and parked in the driveway, I immediately texted Jen:

Spa day on Saturday!

<3 B

I leaned my head back in the seat and let out a stressful huff before I grabbed my bag and headed upstairs to get started on homework and cheer routines…anything to take my mind off Kyle and Ben.

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