It's too early to play

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"It's too early to play"

I am a little doll,
In the closet I lay.
The others are asleep,
Yet I just want to play.

I toss and then I turn,
I scream, "Open the door!"
"It's too early to play!"
I hear from down the hall.

"What does 'too early' mean,
Could you remind me, friend?"
"It's when you have to stop
'Til it's the day again"

"How can 'too early' be"-
I'm asking quite upset
-"With how bad others feel
when it's not their time yet?

No one holds it for them-
'Too early' - all they get.
They want to stay alive,
Yet, they're left in their fret.

I see them in my dreams."
"Who do you mean by 'them'?"
"The thousands of poor souls
That fly away from Earth."

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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