Chapter 15: The water gun fight

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Helen's POV

We stood outside Luke's door. Me and the guys held a water gun and had an extra one strapped to our backs. We were also loaded with water balloons.

"You do know Luke is probably going to kill you for doing this?" Calum asked.

"Yea, I know, but we are siblings, its what we do. Now on my count 1...2" I put my hand on the door knob. "3!" I swung the door open and ran into the room. "Wake up Lukey!" I yelled. I started shooting water at him. He sat up.

"What the hell?" He asked confused. He tried to shield himself from the water with his hands, but it didn't work. When we all stopped shooting, Luke was soaked in water. I laughed. Suddenly Ashton and Michael walked to Luke's bed side. Ashton handed Luke his extra water gun.

"You really we'd turn against our best mate?" Ash asked.

"Traitor," I said and glared at them. I looked at my side and Calum was still next to me.

"Come on, calum," Luke said.

"Nah, Im staying with Helen," Calum replied.

I put my arm around his waist, "Thank you! You see he is a good friend!"

Michael shouted "Bros before h-"

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I mean bros before Helen," he said quickly. I nodded.

"Alright boys, lets get em," Luke jumped up and started squirting his little gun. Me and Cal did the best to hold them back.

"Retreat!" I yelled.

"where?" Cal asked.

I suddenly remembered Luke saying something about a staircase that led to the roof.

"Follow me," I said. I turned and sprinted off with Calum behind me. I burst through the door and ducked inside, it was pitch black. Calum closed the door behind him.

"Calum?" I asked.

"yea?" Calum replied, his voice beside me. I sighed in relief and tightened my grip on my water gun. I reached out until I felt Calum's hand, I intertwined my fingers with his.

"You good?" Calum asked.

"Yea, lets hurry so we won't get caught," I replied and started up the dark stairs. I heard Calum fumble withe something, suddenly the dark corridor was illuminated by Calum's phone light. I smiled as we started up the steps. We reached the top and Calum opened the door the the roof.

"I'll go first," he said. He jumped and gripped the edge and pulled himself up. "Alright, give me your hand," Calum said.

"i got this," I threw my gun up.

"You sure? I mean you are pretty short, no offense, and this is high up."

I jumped and pulled myself up.

"Damn, you jump pretty high for a short girl."

"I'm a track star Calum, I gotta jump some high hurdles." I looked at the view and gasped. "Wow, this is amazing!"

The neighborhood spread before us.

"Yea, its pretty nice." Calum agreed. "Well," Calum sat down. he squinted up at me, "Join me?"

I smiled and sat down next to him. I rested my head on his arm. Calum and I sat there and watched the view that spread before us.

That's it. For now.....Dont worry I'll update more often since I have nothing to do. Thank you for reading! I love you all soo much! xx -Kelly 🍓

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