2 - Kate and Caitlin?

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Hi everyone! Hope you're enjoying this story!!!

Kekes pov

Me and Kate were starting to unbox some of my stuff when I heard a knock at the door.

"That must be Caitlin!" Kate says happily. She then goes over and opens the door to find whom I presume is Caitlin standing there.

"Hey Kate" she says walking in a giving her a high five. She then walks up to me. "Hi you must be Kendra, I'm Caitlin! It's nice to meet you" she says and puts her hand out for me to shake it. I shake her hand back.

"It's nice to meet you too, thank you for offering to come help me set up my room" I say back. She nods her head and then goes over to the main pile of boxes and starts taking stuff out of them.

"So are you excited for our first practice tommorow?" Caitlin asks me, as I'm putting out my pencils and pens in my desk.

"Yes, but I'm also really nervous to meet everyone" I say being truthful with them.

"Don't be nervous, everyone's gonna like you, so theirs nothing to worry about" Kate says back. The three of us then continue to put everything away while I slowly warm up to them more and more. They both are very nice people and I enjoy talking to them. I hope that they continues to act like this towards me. Once me and Caitlin throw the last bed sheet on my bed everything is done.

"Well looks like everything here is done" Caitlin says.

"Thank you guys so much, I really do appreciate it" I say to them. They both smile back at me. "Well you to better go back to your dorms, and unpack" I say as I jump to sit on my bed.

"Dorm?" Caitlin says and smirks.

"Wait you guys don't have to stay in a dorm" I say shocked looking at them. They both laugh at me.

"No silly, we're staying in a house with Jada and Gabbie" Kate says. I groan and dramatically fall sideways over my bed. The both continue to laugh at me.

"This is so not fair." I yell as Late walks over to me. "I have to room with some rando and you two both get to live with your friends" I say raining

"Well don't worry" Kate says and pushing me over so I can actually look at her. "You can always come stay with us and hangout with us" she says.

"Also you're gonna like making a friend that's outside of basketball and that's gonna be your roommate" Caitlin says walking up to me also, I go to say something about the roommate not being nice, but then Caitlin cuts me off. "And if your roommates rude to you, you tell us and we will deal with it." She says and then pretends to fight someone. I laugh.

"Well you better go anyways" I say as I sit back up.

"Are you sure we can stay and hangout" Kate says. I nod my head no.

"No im sure, and I'll see you at practice tommrow anyways I need a day to rest." I say. Laying back on my bed.

"If you say so" Kate says as her and Caitlin start to walk to the door.

"We will be here early to pick you up" Caitlin says. I just him in response already falling asleep. Once I wake up from my nap I notice that it's already the next day. Specifically 7 am, the alarm I set for tommrow becuase we have practice at 8 and I'm not exactly aure what time the girls are picking me up at, considering I feel asleep when they were telling me. So I just decide it's easier to text Kaye then sit around wondering.


Hi Kate, what time
where you guys planning
on picking me up at?

we will be there in 30

Thank you so much

Once I finish getting Kate I get ready for practice. I put my hair back into a high pony. Simpile but it gets the job done. I then put on are practice gear that I was told to wear for today. I then go to the kitchen and start to make myself breakfast. I cooked some egged and sta down on the couch to eat them. I hope that my roommate comes today and is nice. I wait for some time to pass before I get a text from Kate


Hey Keke me and
the Girls are here
to pick you up!

On my way!

I quickly reply back to Kate before I get my practice bag. Once I get my stuff I start to walk down to the parking lot. "Me and the girls" I start to wonder. She must mean her Caitlin and the other two roommates they have. Tonight I will have to go and stock them on insta or something, just so I get an idea of who they are. I walk out to the parking lot and see Caitlin driving a car and waving to me. I walk over to her car and wave back. I get in the backseat of her car and smile at the two girls I'm sitting next to. They must be Caitlin and Kate's roommates.

"Hi I'm Gabbie" the girl in the middle seat says

"And I'm Jada" the other girls says.

"Hi I'm Keke" I say back and smile at the two of them.

"So how was your first day yesterday" Jada asks.

"Well to be honestly yesterday when Kate and Caitlin where leaving I fell asleep and I sleep through the rest of the day so good" I say, the four girls laugh.

"I knew it!" Kate says while laughing "I knew you feel asleep and that's why you texted me asking what time we were coming at" she says

"Yeah you're right" I say sheepishly and put my hand on my face. We then all talk as we drive to practice. I really think I'm starting to like this place.

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