The Infamous One

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A large syringe is injected deep in Jennifer's left forearm's vein. A groggy and absent minded Jennifer lazily pulls away from the needle, but the pointy object just deepens inside her bloodstream. Jennifer slurs, "What are you doing?", to her assailant, who is Mike/Holden, wearing a jet black pair of gloves. "My team and I have decided to tell you the truth about me, but first, we must make sure that you'll forget all of it once we are finished telling you", reveals Jennifer's brother, as her eyes widen to the fact that she is about to discover the truth behind the mystery that surrounds her brother. Cleverly, Jennifer pretends to act extra doped up, so she can find out the truth sooner rather than later. "I think she's ready", whispers a female voice to Mike/Holden. Jennifer finds the female's voice to be incredibly familiar. "Is that you, Victoria?", questions Jennifer, who is in no state of mind to be deciding who's voice belongs to whom. "Just let the syringe do its job and shut your trap", blurts out the blatantly rude female assailant.

Victoria, in the company of Officer Tailgate and Sheriff Burka, return to the DMZ sorority house, where Victoria miraculously got Fredrick to confess that he did, in fact, kill Mae. Victoria has reported all of this fresh intelligence to the authorities. The officers have made their way to the sorority house so they can charge and arrest Fredrick for murder. Victoria and the two police officers walk onto the wooden porch in front of the sorority house. Victoria pulls her rattling, silver, keys out of her velvet burgundy jacket's pocket. She places the appropriate key into the door's lock and twists it. Much to her surprise, the key won't move. It's stuck. "What the hell?", mutters Victoria under her breath, clearly incredibly frustrated. "Is everything alright, miss?", questions Officer Tailgate, who has his hand placed firmly on his firearm. "It's my key - it won't open the door for some odd reason", states Victoria, who begins twisting the door's handle. Unbeknownst to Victoria and  the policemen, Connor has placed his key to the sorority house, which Jennifer gave to him, into the other side of the lock, disallowing Victoria to enter the house. Connor, clearly in a frantic and panicked state, rushes as fast as he can to the basement, where he finds Fredrick tied up to a chair, with his foot soaked in a pool of blood. Connor races to untie Fredrick. "What are you doing?", questions Fredrick. "Victoria and the policies are on the front porch. They're gonna gas you if you don't get out of here right now", panics Connor, as he unties Fredrick. "Maybe I deserve it. I killed an innocent girl", mutters Fredrick. "Yeah, yeah. You were obviously tricked into doing that. Listen, you've been my best friend for year and I'm not going to let them take you. Run..or...limp out the backdoor and flee the country. Go to Canada or something. Just flee New Quay. I'll say that you escaped. Do it. Run.", instructs Connor. Fredrick, in a moment of sheer madness, agrees. Connor aids Fredrick up the stairs of the basement and Fredrick exist the DMZ sorority house via the backdoor. Connor throws himself on the ground, as his white t-shirt is covered in Fredrick's blood - making the illusion that Fredrick attacked him and escaped. 

Eventually, Victoria manages to enter the house with the two police officers. She spots Connor laying on the floor in "pain". "Oh god, Connor! What happened?", squeals Victoria, knowing that if something bad happened to Connor because of Fredrick, Jennifer would never forgive her. "I'm...f....fine. Fred attacked me and got away", lies Connor, as he stares at the open backdoor, glad that his best friend is safe. 

"Where are you, Jennifer? Call me when you get this", speaks Julianna, leaving a message on Jennifer's cell phone. Julianna is with Victoria and Connor in the living room of the DMZ sorority house. "So, Julianna, the doctors said your out of that chair, tomorrow, right?", questions Victoria, asking anything to fill the void of the awkward silence. "Yeah, I'm finally out of this darn thing at 8AM tomorrow". Immediately as her sentence is concluded, Julianna's cell phone sounds. She picks the buzzing phone up and checks the caller. "It's the doctor, I gotta take this". Julianna wheels herself to the kitchen area of the house so she and her doctor can talk privately on the phone. "How are you holding up, Vic? It must've been hard hearing what Fred said to you", comforts Connor, feeling slightly guilty for leaving Fredrick flee. "I'd be lying if I said I was 100% okay but I'm doing well, considering", sighs Victoria, pondering on the day's events. Julianna rejoins the conversation, as she reveals that her doctor wants her to come down to his office immediately because he has had a cancellation and would like to remove Julianna from her wheelchair today. "Congratulations, Julianna!", smiles Victoria, ecstatic to hear some good news for once. "Thank you", blushes Julianna, as she wheels herself out of the DMZ house and towards the doctors office.

Wheeling her way to the doctors office in the dead of night, Julianna stops, realizing that her left shoe's lace is untied. She bends down to tie the lace, and as she struggles to do so, Julianna hears a peculiar sound coming from a warehouse near the fire station. Curious, Julianna makes her way over to the house and what she sees almost stops her heart. Julianna spots a woman, dressed in all black, dragging a male's body through an alleyway. Julianna covers her mouth in despair and shock. Simultaneously, Julianna pulls out her cell phone and takes a disturbing image of the Woman In Black. Silently, Julianna wheels herself away from the horrific situation, and she sends the image to the media, believing that everybody should know what's happening in New Quay. A magazine then publishes the picture, exposing the Woman In Black to the whole world.

"Now, my sweet dear sister, you're probably very curious about who I am. I know you and your snoopy little friends went peeking around our family grave a few weeks back. Lemme tell you something, Jennie. That really pissed me off", giggles Mike/Holden, eerily. "Like, I would've been totally fine if you solely dug through our family grave but no you just had to have those bitches tag along", moans Jennifer's sibling, sarcastically. "We just needed answers", speaks Jennifer, confidently. "Well you've come to the right place! I'm gonna tell you everything", smirks Mike/Holden, insanely. "Go ahead. Tell me, I'm ready", states Jennifer. "Fine. So the biggest question on your mind no doubt is, which one am I: Holden or Mike?. I'm Holden", reveals Holden, as Jennifer's eyes widen with shock that she is actually getting answers. "I know...shocker! You're also probably wondering where the hell this Mike fella came from. Well, our mommy and daddy, who are dead because of you, had little secret of their own - a dark and twisted secret", reveals Holden, to a wide eyed Jennifer, who looks as if she's watching an incredibly dramatic television show. "Well, what's this secret?!", questions Jennifer. "Oh, Jennie. I'm not going to spoil everything for you! You'll have to figure that one out on your own", states Holden, leaving Jennifer with more questions then ever before. What is her parent's dark and twisted secret? Who is Mike? Who is The Woman in Black?.

Connor walks up the stairs to his dorm room, feeling very odd about the day's events. He opens his door and is sickened at what awaits for him on the other side of the door. Fredrick, is handing from the ceiling fan from a tie, with his insides on the outside. Connor screams, as Fredrick's mutilated and lifeless corpse hangs from a ceiling fan. Connor spots a note beneath Fredrick's body. He calls the police and picks up the note. "xoxo Carolyn xoxo", reads the note.

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