Songs of a Thousand Screams

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 Cherry descends from the DMZ Foyer staircase, as Jennifer stares at her, angered that she knows Cherry has ulterior motives for joining the sorority. "Tell us why you're really here, Cherry. It ain't no coincidence", asserts Victoria, attempting to sound tough and strong. Jennifer stands in front of Victoria and breaths heavily, still raging from her encounter with the Kappa Alpha Theta fraternity brothers. "I just want to feel close to him, again", sighs Cherry, possibly lying through her perfect teeth. Jennifer squares up to Cherry and whispers, "You better be telling the truth. People die often here". Jennifer can't believe the words that come out of her mouth and she faces up the stairs, as Victoria and Zoey watch on, horrified and shocked at Jennifer's threat. "She didn't mean that", assures Victoria, as she follows Jennifer up the stairs, as Zoey remarks, "Damn. I wish I had popcorn for that".

Jennifer, buried beneath lush pillows on her bed, bursts into tears, as her minimal make up dried onto her pillows. A sympathetic Victoria enters Jennifer's bedroom and she sighs, "Are you okay, Jennifer?". Jennifer emerges from the pyramid of pillows and she dries her tears and exclaims, "Its been two weeks and I feel like I'm losing everything about myself. I tasered at KAT frat boy today, Vic. I can't control my anger anymore. I'm changing". Victoria places her perfectly manicured left hand upon Jennifer's shoulder and she states, "You're in mourning. Everybody deals with this differently. I know it doesn't seem like it now, but you will get through this. We're all here to help you". Jennifer thanks Victoria, as she asks Victoria to exit the room. As Victoria exits the room, she opens her cell phone and contacts Alec on Instagram and asks him to meet her. Alec accepts.

Aria and Carolyn remove their wigs as they, along with the retrieved Holden, enter their new suburban home lair. Carolyn smiles, gleefully, "That was a rush! I can't wait to have that feeling magnified when we finally eradicate those sisters". Aria looks at Carolyn, almost as if she is fearful of her power. Holden notices Aria's look of worry and he pinches her in the arm, as if to snap her out of having a rational thought. Aria perks, "Yeah. It was great", although her enthusiasm is extremely transparent. Carolyn, also noticing Aria's lack of murder spirit, allows herself to enter Aria's personal space and she digs, "This project is far too important. You can't lack enthusiasm. You better get enthused rather quickly, dear. For your own good, of course". Aria knows that Carolyn threatened her and her pathetic husband, Holden, watched on and didn't defend his wife. "I need time to think", reveals Aria, to a fuming Carolyn, as she exits the house as fast as lightning.

Julianna, with her new bob hairstyle, she racing in her grey Trenchcoat and charcoal high heeled boots, arrives at Dallas' rented apartment, after discovering of Dean McCarthy's death. Julianna knocks three times on Dallas's door. No answer. Desperate to enter, Julianna grabs the spare key atop of the threshold and unlocks the door. Julianna enters and finds a distraught, unshaven Dallas, smoking a cigarette and drinking a beer, sitting on a large armchair. Julianna stops in her tracks and sympathises, "I'm so sorry, Dallas. I'm so sorry". Dallas snorts at Julianna's expression of sympathy, as if thinking it to be a joke. Julianna looks at him, confused. Dallas stares dead straight into Julianna's eyes and he accuses, "You did it. You killed my father. It makes sense. He ruined us and you blamed him. Who else could it've been?". Julianna is taken aback by the accusation, completely and utterly shocked. "I would never. How dare you. I didn't kill him", defends Julianna, as she starts to cry, realising how toxic her relationship with Dallas has truly become. Dallas rises from his chair, throwing his cigarette butt at Julianna, burning her. She winces. "What the hell, Dallas!". Dallas proceeds, "I'm going to make sure you die in a jail cell for this". Julianna feels as if a bus has crashed into her heart. She's broken at how cruel Dallas is being. She is speechless. Julianna turns away, while, subtly, placing a wire beneath a desk.

 Victoria meets Alec at a local bowling alley. The two went to high school together and have known each other for half a decade. They have history together. "What happened with Jennifer? I'm so worried about her, Alec". Alec proceeds to tell Victoria exactly what happened between he, Jennifer and the KAT fraternity brothers. Victoria sighs, heavily as she exclaims, "She's losing herself. What if there's no coming back from this? She's lost just about everyone close to her. Everybody has a breaking point".

Victoria and Julianna return to DMZ almost simultaneously. Zoey and Cherry sit in the living room, Zoey practicing her guitar chords and Cherry, writing in her journal. Jennifer descends after locking herself in her bedroom all day. Julianna asks Jennifer if she is okay, as Jennifer replies that she is going for a walk. As soon as Jennifer exits the house, the remaining four girls' cell phones start to play the same song which features the lyrics, "People live, people die, people love, people lie". Victoria attempts to stop the song, but fails, as it spreads into the houses's Soundsystem. The lyrics continue to repeat themselves, constantly, on a loop.

In their lamp lit kitchen, Carolyn and Holden discuss the day's events. "The song is playing and I'm sure those bitches are already trying to suss it out", reveals Carolyn. "Stage one is complete", smiles Holden. "Not quite", exclaims Carolyn, as Aria returns home. Carolyn offers Aria a glass of water, which she accepts, apologising for her freak out earlier in the day. Aria takes a sip of the water, as Carolyn stares at her, as if anticipating something. Moments after drinking, Aria complains that she is feeling "sick". Carolyn nurses Aria, who collapses in the middle of the room. Holden rushes to his wife's aid, checking her pulse. "I can't feel it", gasps Holden. As Carolyn, hauntingly, whispers "It had to be done".

Jennifer, wearing a hooded chocolate coloured, leather jacket and Denis jeans, walks down the moon lit street, on a damp night. Jennifer stops in the middle of her walk and leans against an ivy covered wall. Jennifer collapses to the ground, as she hits her had off of the side of the pavement, as blood emerges from her skull. 

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