The Edge of Insanity

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Victoria stares at a blood soaked Jennifer, who is now descending the stairs. "What did you do?", stutters Victoria, sickened at what she hopes is not true. "She was prying about Connor. She was rude", reveals Jennifer, with a blank expression on her face. "So you pushed her down the damn stairs because she was rude?", gasps a horrified Victoria. After a lengthy pause, Jennifer nods. Victoria, in a freaked frenzy, opens her pink Chanel purse and searches quickly for her cell phone. She needs to call the authorities. Jennifer, noticing Victoria's rustling, rips the purse from Victoria's grasp and pulls out her iPhone. "This what you're looking for?", mocks a deranged Jennifer as she flings the cell phone down the stairs - breaking it into pieces. Victoria, frightened about Jennifer's mental health and her own safety, races for the front door. The door is locked. Jennifer makes her way, eerily, towards Victoria and she stabs a syringe full of clear liquid into Victoria's bloodstream via her neck. Victoria faints instantly. Jennifer proceeds to drag her best friend down into the house's basement, driven by her grief.

Julianna is thrown in a jail cell. "Please, those killers framed me!", pleas Julianna to Officer Michaels. "You don't think I've heard that one before? We're looking for those 'killers' but for now, you're the one paying for your actions", angers Michaels, as he slams Julianna's cell shut. Julianna curls into a ball in the damp and lonely cell, which has only one very small window in the top right corner of the room. The paint on the walls is peeling back and the floor has mould. It's clearly a cell that is seldom used. Julianna, dressed in a stereotypical orange jumpsuit, bursts into tears, fearing she may live out the rest of her days behind bars. As her sadness manifests into anger, Julianna scrapes her dry fingernails against the peeling walls and she tears a rather large piece of grey wallpaper off the wall. To her surprise, a handwritten message appears on the bare wall. Julianna crouches her eyebrows, incredibly curious, almost forgetting she is in trouble with the law. Julianna reads the message aloud to herself. It's a conversation between two people. "Connor is gone. It's time for you to act - H", reads the first sentence, written by Holden when he was arrested. The response reads, "I'm on it. My sisters won't know what hit them - J", written, shockingly, by Jennifer. Julianna gasps as she discovers Holden and Jennifer have been working together. Julianna wells with her tears as they return, hoping that the messages don't mean what she thinks they do.

"Do you think there's evidence out there to really pin all this on her?", asks a curious Holden to Carolyn, who is gleefully delighted that her sinister plan is one step further to completion. "Yes. She will be found guilty of killing Dallas and we will watch as it happens", smiles Carolyn. "What about the Dean? You're framing her for his death too, right?", questions Holden. Carolyn glares at Holden, confused. "No. I didn't kill him. I thought you did", exclaims Carolyn. Holden repeats, "I thought you did". Carolyn walks towards a window in their lair as she sighs, "No matter. If there's another person killing on this campus, I'll find them. This towns only big enough for two murderers". "How are you going to find them?". Carolyn smiles at Holden's rather dumb question. "Oh, Holden. Why I'm going to become the Dean of New Quay. How else would his plan come to an end", reveals Carolyn, as she laughs, evilly.

Victoria awakens in the basement of the DMZ sorority house, chained down by ropes connected to each corner of a corner, her four limbs spread, painfully. Victoria hasn't been in the house's basement since Aria's first 'death', when Nick murdered her. Jennifer stands in front of Victoria, holding all of the power in the dangerous situation. Victoria is sweating, as Jennifer turns the temperature up to a sickeningly hot, almost suffocating temp. "Why, Jen. I get you're missing Connor but this isn't going to fix anything. You're ruining your life", breaths Victoria. "I've lost too much. It's time I control what I keep and who I lose. I'm done being a victim", asserts Jennifer, as she grabs a pair of lawn clippers. Victoria flinches. "What are you doing with those? C'mon, Jen. I'm you're best friend. Don't do this", pleas a terrified Victoria. Jennifer responds, "It's too late. I've clearly lost it. I need you to die so I can regain control of this shitty situation". Jennifer walks towards a chained Victoria and places the lawn clippers between Victoria's left ear. Victoria screams as Jennifer brings the two blades together, slicing the tip of Victoria's ear off. Suddenly, Jennifer is hit over the head with a vase, as Zoey and an unknown girl unchain Victoria. Jennifer is unconscious. "Thank you, Zoey. She's gone mad", cries Victoria, heartbroken. A girl wearing squared black glasses and straight, black hair greets Victoria as Kennedy. "I guess I should thank you too", smiles Victoria, as Kennedy helps her up from the ground. The three girls walk into the house's living room, as Kennedy applies ice to Victoria's injury. "I'm a nurse, your ass is lucky", giggles Kennedy, as she places the ice upon Victoria's ear.

After about thirty minutes, two men, wearing white coats, arrive at the sorority house and Zoey guides them
to Jennifer. Still unconscious, the muscular men carry Jennifer into their van, as she is transported to New Orleans General Mental Facility, in downtown New Orleans. Zoey renters the house, as Victoria relays her ordeal to Kennedy, who announces she is a new sister of DMZ. Victoria stops, suddenly and she asks Zoey, "The song has stopped. Did you do it?". Zoey replies, "Yeah. I stopped it. But, I researched it and the tune was capable of making vulnerable people absolutely insane. Somebody played it to cause Jennifer to go crazy". Victoria sighs, as she knows that Carolyn and Holden are winning this incredibly twisted game.

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