Hello, Heartache

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Walking across campus, Julianna accidentally bumps into Dean McCarthy, who is holding his cell phone in his hand. "Move it, pig", snaps Julianna, still angry about the dean forcing Dallas to spy on her. "I am your dean, Ms. Burton. Treat me like that, please", advices the Dean, in an oddly threatening tone. Julianna squares up to the Dean, clearly unfazed by his authority over her. "You better not threaten me, again. Your son wouldn't like that", smiles Julianna, full of sass, as she turns on her heal and walks away. As she is walking Dean McCarthy bursts, "He's still playing you. You should know that". Julianna stops in her tracks, hoping the Dean is lying to her. She walks towards him questions "If that's true, why would you rat your own son out like that? Seems a bit false to me". Dean McCarthy reveals that he never asked Dallas to spy on Julianna and the DMZ girls and that it was all Dallas' idea. Dean McCarthy just wanted to keep Dallas safe. Julianna walks away, desperate to confront her boyfriend.

Victoria, who has assumed the duties of head sister at DMZ, while Jennifer is in mourning, has decided that the sorority needs more girls. Today is audition day for the sisterhood and Victoria is hopeful that some new blood will like to join the house, hoping the killings won't turn people away and be the death of DMZ. Two girls, to Victoria's dismay, arrive at the house. Zoey Lynn, a music major who is so desperate for her break in the music scene that she's hoping being a sister at the Joe infamous DMZ will boost her chances of stardom and Cherry Jefferson, who has just been evicted from her house due to low income. Cherry is dating Callum, the man who officiated Connor and Jennifer's ill fated marriage. "Well, I guess there's no point in hazing you girls, welcome to DMZ!", smiles Victoria, as she welcomes Cherry and Zoey with a warm, friendly hug. Victoria shows Cherry and Zoey to their bedroom, which is shared by the new sisters in the attic of the house, which has been completely converted into a lush bedroom. "This is stunning", smiles Cherry, as Zoey places her guitar on the bed she chooses. "I'll leave you girls to it, Jennifer and Julianna should be home soon", grins Victoria, as she exits the room. "So, I have a reason to be here, what's yours, red?", asks Zoey, referring Cherry's fiery hair color. "I'm Connor Hudson's cousin. My boyfriend officiated his wedding and I'm here to find out if he really wa killed by that Holden guy or if Jennifer Richards did it. I'm here for answers", reveals a revengeful Cherry, as Zoey watches on in shock.

As Jennifer enters her car, the heavens open and it begins to rain cats and dogs. Jennifer sighs deeply, as the rain is heard pelting off the roof of the vehicle. Jennifer opens her ceiling compartment to retrieve her driver's license when a note falls onto Jennifer's lap. Jennifer picks up the note, which reads, "Always check the backseat". Before Jennifer can do so, a hand grabs her face and attacks Jennifer from behind. The hand removes itself from Jennifer, as she continues to fight. Jennifer turns her body towards the hand, which is owned by a man, who Jennifer recognises. Jennifer punches the man, named Tyler Smith, viciously, as she reaches for her taser and proceeds to shoot Tyler in between his eyes. Tyler falls unconscious, as Jennifer exits her car, hyperventilating. A group of jocks from New Quay surround Jennifer's car, as the leader, Alec Rhode, shouts angrily at a tearful Jennifer, insisting it was a "prank". Jennifer, not in any mood for a cruel practical joke, becomes red with anger and she shoots her taser at another one of the three jocks, Bryant Greene. Alec and Jax Chrysler attempt to stop the weapon wielding Jennifer, who's grief has consumed her. "Did you really think it was smart to prank a widow? You guys are horrific", cries a seeing red Jennifer, as she forces Tyler out over her car and drives away leaving Alec, Bryant, Jax and Tyler shocked at the response of their insensitive joke.

Aria enters a house, on a quiet suburban road outside of New Quay, where Carolyn is waiting patiently for her. "We need to get Holden out of there", paces Carolyn. "Project Red is ruined it Holden goes down and takes us both with him". Aria attempts to calm Carolyn by announcing, "I've got an idea that could get him out of there... today. All we have to do is play dress up". Carolyn looks at Aria, confused, as Aria continues to explain her plan.

Julianna finally finds Dallas, eating his lunch at a local cafe. She storms up to Dallas, who is eating alone. "I just had a very interesting chat with your father. He said it was your idea to spy on me. Not his, like you said", shouts Julianna, sick and tired of Dallas' lies. "Jul, he's lying. The man is insane. I promise he... he's isn't telling the truth", defends Dallas. "Why did you stutter? Because it's true", sighs Julianna, in disbelief. Dallas is lost for words. "I forgave you once but I won't do it again. Goodbye Dallas", snaps Julianna, breaking up with Dallas while simultaneously breaking his heart, as Dallas knocks over a chair in anger.

Jennifer arrives at the sorority house and is greeted by a beaming Victoria, who introduces her to Zoey. Zoey and Jennifer smile at each other, awkwardly. Jennifer then lays her eyes upon Cherry and exclaims, "What is she doing here? She's Connor's cousin".

Dean McCarthy arrives in his office, with his desk incredibly full of paperwork and stained coffee rings. He grabs his cell phone and texts Dallas, "I'll talk to you tomorrow. It's important". The Dean opens up his laptop and starts to respond to some emails. As he is doing so, an unknown person walks in, to the dean's shock and stabs him multiple times with a large pen, killing him, slowly. The killer writes, "Loose lips sink ships", on the deans body and exits the office.

Aria and Carolyn arrive at the New Quay police station, wearing faux wigs and long, suburban housewife dresses. Carolyn asks an officer at the front desk to allow Holden Richards out. The officer laughs in her face, as Aria proceeds to shoot the man point blank on the face with a gun. An alarm sounds, as more police officers arrive to stop the killers. Aria and Carolyn successfully kill all six policemen, and they break into the holding area, where they find Holden. Holden smiles, as Carolyn breaks the lock, and the three killers exits the building. "Lets get this project underway. It's time", smiles Carolyn. 

Killer on Sorority Row 2 : Project RedWhere stories live. Discover now