Interview #2

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A/N----- this is a continuation because I thought they would be better separate.


Honestly this is great and I know I have been saying that for a while but its true. But work isn't all that fun mostly I have to review old broadcast and make music tracks which can get boring. My first broad cast is tomorrow though and I'm pumped I have it all planned out my playlist and my go to topics everything its gonna be awesome.


I have to calm down and stop stressing out I am on in like 5 minuets and I am freaking out.

"It's gonna be ok, you will do great." Tim says trying to calm me down but totally failing at it.

"No I cant do it. I just cant." I scream at him

"Well to bad because your on in 3, 2, 1..."

(A/N-- he he I just had to put the tittle in there)




I don't know what to do, this al went way smoother in my head. I can see Tim starring at me just hoping I would say some thing anything. And then, I finally do...

"Hi, I'm Jessie and I'm the host for 108.9" and right at the first line I click and just start doing what I have always wanted, " so its my first ay host so lets do this. Our first song for today is one of my personal favourites and I hope its your too. Here is, One Directions hit song What Makes You Beautiful!" and as I hear the song start all I can see is fireworks. Oh ya, this is where I belong.

I can see Tim mouth "that was awesome" to me from his little techy place in front of me, and I mouth back "thanks!"

As the song finishes I start running through my mind what I'm gonna say next.

"Ok and where back hope you liked that one because next one were gonna be getting a bit rock in roll with Nickel Backs song Rockstars, and after that were gonna be taking requests so start calling."

I click on the caller number 1 button (wow I have callers!), and I'm so happy when they request an awesome song, A-Team by Ed Sheeren which also reminds me that I have to announce my interview with him next week to my listeners.

"Our next songs gonna be A-Team by Ed Sheeren," I say into the micro phone, " who will also be appearing on the show to do a interview with me! I know your totally freaking out. And I know you guys listening cant see me but I am doing a killer happy dance right now."

The rest of the show went on like that until noon when my show is over.

As I walk out of the room Tim gives me a huge hug.

"You did so awesome out there better then some people who have been doing this for way longer." he says as he puts me down.

"Thanks I was completely freaked out in the beginning but after that it was a breeze. Ooooooh I cant wait for tomorrow!" I sequel very girly like.

The rest of my week I did the same thing over and over again which believe me is really, really, really, AWESOME!!!! I have never felt so myself then when I'm on the show, and the pay isn't to bad either. I am totally stoked for my interview with Ed Sheeren today I got up at like 5 am to make sure I was absolutely prepared. Which I have been now for like one hour.

When I get to the station I run to find Tim because I want to make sure he's here for this historical moment. Me and him are like best buds now but don't worry we don't like each other because he bats for the other team if you catch my drift.

"Hey Linda, have you seen Timothy I can't find him anywhere?" I ask Linda with just a bit of worry.

"Oh ya, he called in sick today apparently he has been barfing up a storm so he couldn't come, but johns gonna fill in for him."

"What? Today why does it have to be today?" I whine, not to mention that his replacement is a total idiot. 

"Hey Jessie." John says. Oh speak of the devil.

"What ever lets do this then ." I say completely annoyed.

"Awww, you don't want to work with me?" John teases.

''No. I would just rather work with Tim."

"No you wouldn't"

"Yes I would."

"No you wouldn't"

"Yes I would."

"Wow there's already arguing. I love this place already." says the one and only Ed Sheeren as he walks in the building.

"OMG, Ed Sheeren! You actually came!" I say totally fan girling.

"Well ya I said I would so here I am. So when do we get started?" he asks.

"Um, right now actually your timing is perfect." I say.

"Great so lets get started. Your names Jessie right?"

"Yep, and this is Tim I mean John." I say sad that Tim isn't here to meet him.

"Ok so lets get this show in the road then." Ed Sheeren says.

"Definitely." I say while showing Ed to the studio and start the interview.

"Hello my amazing listeners as you probably know today I have a very special guest with me today.....ED SHEEREN!!!!"

"Thanks for having me you know I am happy to be here I had a hard time starting up my dream so I am definitely happy to help you with yours." he says so sweetly.

"So Ed, can I call you Ed?"


"Ok so Ed, all week ours listeners have been sending in questions that they want to ask you and here are a couple that we thought were the best.''

"Lets here them then."

"Our fist question comes in from Lily, she asks, who or what got you started in the music business?"

"Well I have always loved music and one day I just thought how cool it would be if I got really good at this and actually made something of it. So ya." 

"Interesting. Are next question comes from Katie, she asks, have you ever considered any other professions?"

"No not really other then other preforming ones like drama."

"Ok so now I have some personal questions to ask you. Have you ever wrote, sang, or dedicated a song to a girl while you were in high school?"

"Ooh well actually that was my only angle in high school so yes and a lot."

"Cool well were gonna take a break to listen to some of Eds songs so here it is."

The rest of the interview was awesome we had a great time and right after we got a call asking about another interview this time with a very very popular boy band.

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