Dont know what to do

25 1 4

Harrys POV:

Ok so now that Nail has had a total freak show on the ground were all just watching him.

"Should we help him up or something?" Zayns ask with a confused look on his face.

"How should i know i have never seen him so crazy before." i say back

"i don't need help up i need girl help." nail says still on the floor.

"Ok so this is my area of expertise so you can all go now." i say happy to spread my knowledge of woman around. " So what do you need to know Nailer?"


"Ok so the number one rule is,"

Jessie's POV:

So work as been pretty boring since the interview. All i do now is talk about new songs and have the odd interview here and there but it is still way better then working at McDonalds. It has been about a month since i met with one direction and i guess i just thought that we would have this awesome friend ship and hangout every day. But aside from following me on twitter i haven't talked to them much. What ever i guess you cant have it all.

********************AT HOME FROM WORK***************

I check my twitter and see Nial asked me to text him and put his number underneath. WOW was all i could think he is actually talking to me, and i have his number!

(^^^   that over there <---->

^^^Hey Nial! wat up?^^^ I sent Nail

^^^Nm, i was wondering if u wanted to maybe go out sometime^^^ he replied almost instantly

^^^Sure^^^ i say not believing what i just read.

^^^ Gr8 ill pick u up at 7^^^

Nials POV:

"GIVE ME BACK MY PHONE!" i yelled at Harry while trying to grab my phone from his hand.

"Come on if you're not gonna ask her out then i have to for you." he said trying to reason with me.

"What you already sent the message? I am gonna kill you!!!!"

"Relax she said yes and your picking her up at 7 tonight."

OMG i can not do this i will sweat to much them fumble my words. I am already forgetting every thing Harry taught me! What if i call her the wrong name or pick her up late. So many things could go wrong!

"Come down bro just breathe every things coma be fine."

"But i don't know what to do!" i yell.



sorry for late update i have been really lazy. sorry for any mistakes

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