First Good Bye

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Nialls POV:

Liam comes in the room after talking with management on the phone.

"Hey guys we leave for Seattle in the morning." he says and plops down on the couch.

"UGH!!! I hate leaving places it is too crazy. The airports all the fans trying to steel our luggage. It gets kinda scary after a while." I say and shove more popcorn in my mouth. Crap!!! I just remembered that now I have to tell Jessie that I am going. "Guys how do I tell Jessie that I am going?"

"Dude she will be fine with it, it's not like you guys are official or anything." Louis says trying to assure me but totally failing.

"Oh ya that reminds me, how do I ask her to be my girl friend"

"Dude you can't ask her now it's to late. If you ask her before you tell her about leaving she will be really sad, and if you ask her after then she will say no cause she will probably not want to since she knows you will leave in the morning." Harry tells me.

"Whatever you guys don't know anything. I am gonna tell her we're leaving then ask her out because it will make her happy after I make her sad." I say and leave to go hang out with Jessie. Just as I leave I hear Zayn through the door say "what a naïve little Nailler."

Jessie's POV:

Niall was suppose to be coming over tonight to hang out and hope he asks me out cause he is taking forever to do so. I mean he seems to like me he texts me first each night for the past 5 nights.

I hear a knock at the door.

"Come in." I say from my comfy spot on the couch.

"What I am not special enough to for you to get off your butt and answer the door?" Niall says and sits next to me.

"Nope. Just kidding, I don't get the door for anybody if I am expecting you over, don't take it personally."

"Oh that's suppose to make me feel better?"

"Yep and that's all your gonna get." I say with a smile. I feel like I have known Niall forever. I feel like me and Niall don't know anything about each other so I decide tonight is question night. "Ok so I have some questions for you."

"Ok shoot."

"First question, who is in you mediate family?"

"Umm lets see we have Bobby my dad, Maura my mother, Chris, my stepfather, Greg, my brother, and  Denise my sister in law. How about you, who's in your family?"

"Umm there's my mom, Terri, my dad John, and then there was my step dad Dawn but he passed away 3 years ago."

"Oh my god. I'm sorry for your loss," he says as I choke back a tear, " you seemed to have loved him. Do you mind me asking what happened?"

I wipe my eyes and tell him, "No not at all. Well before my mom and him got married he came to me and asked my permission with this letter and the way he said he loved my mom I just had to say yes, and then a couple years after their wedding they were driving on his motor cycle to go to our cabin, and a couple miles in my mom told me she could tell that he knew something was wrong but he would tell my mom he only told her to take his helmet off of him and put it on herself she did so and she was worried something was wrong. She never got to say good bye cause 10 minutes later they crashed. The cause of the crash was that their brake line was cut, my step dad found this out before when he told my mom to put his helmet on herself, he gave up his own life to save hers. My mom never fully recovered and she has never dated again, cause she says the love they shared could never be duplicated."

"Wow that's like the most heart warming love story ever." Is all Niall said.

"Ya it is."

"Well now you are gonna make me cry so lets watch a movie instead."

"Ok, umm how about  Top Gun?" I say.


We sat there for the rest of the night and just watched the movie, after Niall looked kind of nervous and that worried me deeply.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothing just I have some things to ask and tell you."

"Ok what is it?" I say hopping the asking part would be about me being his girlfriend.

"Well first I wanted to ask you something, ok here it goes.........Jessie would you like to be my girl friend?" he asked like he was about to burst.

"Of coarse!" I scream and hug him.

"That's awesome but now your gonna be really sad."

"Why? How could I be sad at a time like this?"

"Well you know that our tour isn't over and well.... we leave for Seattle in the morning."

"Oh umm your right I am sad now." I don't know what to say how could he do that to me he gets my hopes up and asks me to be his girl friend then tells me he is leaving? Who does that? How insensitive of him and inconsiderate I cant date him now we did not get to spend any time together before he acts like this I mean did he even think??? "Niall I can't be with you after that. Did you even consider your actions in doing that you only think of your self you just want me to be your girl friend so you can have some one to come back for then when you go you leave me heart broken. We haven't even been able to build a relationship how am I suppose to know that you will be faithful if we haven't even established full trust? I am sorry but you have to leave."

"What are you talki-" Niall starts but I cut him off.


Nialls POV:

Wow the guys were right I am so stupid. Jessie just went on a rant because I didn't listen to my friends and the good advice they gave.

"What are you talki-" I start but she cuts me off.

"Now!" she says and I leave.

I am so stupid.


Hello every one. Please vote, comment and FAN!!!

Bye, kaybear20002

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