Don't touch me!

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Yoongi had been coming late to our sessions. He was really pissing me off. I told him. I'm not going anymore. He can fail. On my way home he called me, 20 minutes after our session was supposed to start. I brought my phone to my ear.

"What?" I said into the phone.

"Where are you?" He said.

"I told you. If you're late I'm gonna let you fail. Have fun Yoongi"

"Chae not funny"

"Bye Yoongi" I hung up my phone and put it in my pocket. I felt it going off.

My voice mail is the only thing you'll be hearing from me from now on. I entered my house and went to my room. I changed into sweats and a t-shirt. I sat down on my bed. I started working on an essay for history. I had my ear phones on blast. One was pulled out.

"Hey!" I looked up. It was Yoongi. I yelped and jumped back.

"You should really lock your window" he pointed to my open window. I climbed off the bed.

"Get out!" I half yelled. He snorted.

"Like that's gonna happen" he plopped onto my bed with a sigh.
"Why are you here?!"

"You didn't come to me so I came to you. Do you have food?" He stood and went to the kitchen. I trailed behind him.

"I told you! Any problems and you're done! D-O-N-E" I was fumed. Coming into my house. He laughed at me.

"A+ for knowing how to spell" he leaned into my fridge. I was tempted to slam it shut on him. I growled and went back to my room. I shut the door quickly. I sat back down on my bed with my laptop. I grumbled curses. He walked in eating a sandwich.

"No eating in my room" I growled.

"What's that?" He said. I looked at where he was pointing. It was a empty chip bag. I growled and glared at him. I went back to my computer. He sat on a bean bag chair in the corner. I grumbled and glared daggers at my screen as I typed. My typing was getting faster and rougher. My keyboard banging as I typed.

"Easy toots" he said. I glared at him through my hair.

"Fuck you" I said.

"You would like to" he said smugly. I took a deep breath. I set my computer aside. I stood in front of him. He looked up at me, giving me an innocent look.

"Leave" I demanded. He stood.

"And If I don't?" He brought his face close to mine. I took a step back. He just closed that space. My breaths grew shorter and faster. He quickly grabbed me. Before I knew it I was underneath him on my bed. His nose practically pressed against one.

"And if I don't?" He repeated, slower. Huffs escaped from my nose. My wrists were pinned above my head. I struggled to free them. His firm chest rose with every breath he took. Every time, it touched my chest.

"Don't touch me" I growled. I struggled to move my legs. He had them pinned.

Fuck I'm defenseless.

"What are you gonna do?" His nose barely touching mine now. I collected spit in my mouth. If this was my only route, then it's happening. A second later he got off and walked away.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"You said to leave, that's what I'm doing" he went to the window.

"Use the front door like a normal person"

"Not my style, see ya in the morning toots" he winked at me. And with that he climbed out the window. I jumped up and locked it.

He said nothing about tutoring. Hmm

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