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1 year later- (another time skip Ehhhh xc)

The stupid teachers held onto my arms pulling me away from the girl. I growled, I swung my foot, it connected to her cheek with a loud crack like sound.

"Enough!" The teachers yanked me away completely. I stared at the girls face, busted bleeding lip, cut on her eyebrow, her face scratched up from me slamming it into the ground, then a foot mark from me kicking her.

"Never talk about Yoongi like that!" I screamed, I kicked my legs trying to get her again. I was tugged to the principals office. They sat me in the chair. The principal gave me a disappointed look.

"Not my first time teachy, get used to it" I propped my feet up on the desk.

"This is your fifth school this year Chae. Why do you keep fighting, skipping classes, just not behaving?" He said. I avoided his gaze, I messed with the piercing in my lip.

"All because of a boy-"

"Do not bring him up!" I yelled. The principal froze.

"What happened to the old Chae? Look at this" he showed me a paper, it was my good grades and stuff. I turned away from it.

"The old Chae finally realized that life isn't worth shit" I said blankly.

"What did he do-"

"I said don't bring him up!" I cut him off once more. He sighed and laid his head down.

"I wanna try and fix this. A week's suspension" he said.

"Bye" I stood.

"Wait" he said, I placed my hand on the door knob and looked back at him.

"I will be assigning you an aid to make sure you go to Classes" he said. He lifted up the phone.

"Tell Suhjin to come here" he put the phone down. He pointed to the chair.

"Get comfy" he said. I groaned and sat down in the damn chair.
A few minutes went by of me staring at the ceiling fan. The door opened.

"Sorry I'm late sir" a boy said. A ping of remembrance ran through my mind.

That voice...I said.

"Hello Suhjin, you're fine. This is Chae" the principal said. I stood and face the boy. My heart leaped from my chest, I felt tears in my eyes. Standing before me was Yoongi, only his hair was black now and he was paler. Our eyes connected, his jaw dropped slightly.'s you.

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