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Today me and Yoongi had to go to school. I really wasn't looking forward to it. I could already see people staring at us. Yoongi drove us to school with a blank stare on his face.

"Do you really want to go?" He asked. I shook my head. He took a quick right, heading away from the school.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Not going to school" he said.

"What?! Why?!"

"Because you don't wanna go" he turned into the mall and stopped.
"Not wanting doesn't matter. I need to go"

"One day won't kill ya" he climbed out. I climbed out with him. He walked to the entrance. I ran after him.

"Yoongi" I caught his arm. He huffed and faced me.

"Look, if you just come with me I'll get you something" he said.

"I don't want anything. I need to go to school" he grabbed my face gently. I looked at him in the eyes.

"Just enjoy yourself" he let me go. He quickly entered the mall.

"Yoongi!" I ran in after him. I caught up to him. I walked next to him quietly. He entered some clothing store. I found a bench and sat down.

"Chae!" He called. I stood and walked over to him.

"What?" I said. He handed me an outfit. I looked at it, my jaw dropped.

"I'm not wearing this" I shoved it back at him.

"Just try it on for me, please" he did puppy eyes. I let out a breath and went to the changing rooms. I changed into what he gave me.

"Why would he like this?" I looked down at myself. Cut out black bra top, stone washed high waisted shorts, and my converse.
So much skin...I looked down at my legs.

"You done?" He asked. I peeked outside the curtain. He was standing there.

"I'm not coming out in this!" I half yelled. He rolled his eyes.

"Then I'm coming in" he pushed me aside and slipped inside, making sure no one saw. I stood in the far corner. He looked at me up and down. He bit his lip and let out a grunt.

"I knew it would look good on you" he smirked. I blushed and looked down. He walked over to me. I looked up at him. He reached up and traced my lips with his finger. I knew what he meant by that.

"Not here Yoongi" I whispered. He made a small whine.

"It will only be a couple minutes" he pouted.

"Those couple minutes could get us caught"
He slowly unzipped my top from behind.

"You'll just have to be quiet then huh?" He placed a gentle kiss on my jawline. He unzipped my top completely. He slid it off my shoulders. It fell to our feet. He unhooked my bra and pulled it off. He attached his lips to mine. I closed my eyes. He pulled back and laughed.

"What?" I asked. I shook his head. I frowned, I put my clothes back on. He was outside waiting for me. I was back in my uniform. I left the outfit and stepped out. He had a cheeky smile plastered on his face.

"What's so funny?" I asked. He shook his head and looked at me. He grabbed my hand.

"C'mon I want food" he pulled me out with him. We walked around until we reached the food court. He went to a random thing and started ordering. I sat down at a table. I tapped my foot quietly. The chair in front of me scooted out. I looked up, some random guy was sitting there.

"Um...can I help you?" I said.

"Why are you alone?" He asked.

"I'm waiting for my boyfriend" I leaned back.

"He shouldn't leave you alone" the boy leaned on his hand. He had dark brown hair and eyes, full pink lips, scrawny figure.

"He's like 20 feet away" I said. A hand landed on the boy's shoulder, I looked up at the person. It was Yoongi. He pulled the guy up by his shirt. He brought his face close. The boy looked at him with wide eyes.

"Stay away from my girl" Yoongi growled, he threw the boy. He landed against a pillar, then ran off. Yoongi huffed and sat down. He placed food in front of me.

"Eat" he said blankly. I picked up my chopsticks and started eating.

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