Chapter 3

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His blue eyes looked at me. They had glowed, and he looked tired. His white hair was almost wet with sweat. He said something, and then he pushed me backward.
~badum, badum~ When I woke up, I was lying in a much more comfortable bed. Did he, push me? The guy in my dream. The other guy sat beside me. He was sleeping. Did he not have anything more important to do than looking after me? He woke up.
"How are you feeling now".
Honestly, the last time we spoke I also felt terrible. The difference was that it was not just my head that was hurt. My hip felt out of place, my neck felt weird, and my body burned everywhere. I was going to become like… ~badum, badum~ like…
“Terrible? You have painkillers in your system". His eyes looked at me "The doctor said you would be fine, but what do you remember?”
I looked up at him.
“Why do you want to know?"
What did I remember? What was it I did not remember?
“The doctor said you may or may not remember things. When we found you carried a royal crest from King Midas's kingdom. A few weeks ago, that kingdom, was attacked. Someone I know was there. I was hoping someone could tell me if she was alive. I am just holding on to hope, I think.”
So, he was looking for someone. I was not there when the attack happened. ~badum, badum, badum~ Where was I. Who was I with, the boy in my dream? But he pushed me. I was running away from someone, was it him, no, or ~badum, badum~ What was it? I felt like it was something important that I should remember.
"I wasn’t there when the attack happened, but everything is a bit foggy”.
"It’s ok, do you remember your name? I am Arthur”.
Did I?
~badum, badum~ A voice, just a voice. "It’s going to be ok, ...."

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