Chapter 7: Aurora

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When I woke up, I was covered in rugs. I looked around. It was a small house, the kitchen, bedroom, and living room were all in the same room. A small window showed the moon outside shining in the room. Iron was sleeping in a chair in the kitchen, I was in the bed and a woman was sleeping on the ground. A plate with some soup was beside me and I tried to taste it. Ew, it was cold… I remembered when Iron told me to have empathy too those around me. I continued to eat. I was hungry. I
Iron was awake. His eyes looked at me full of concern
He smiled a little “How are you feeling?”
I swallowed “Better”
Suddenly a girl came from one of the corners. She was beautiful, her long dark hair in a braid that brought out the dimples and the red cheeks. Of course, red cheeks, she was looking at Iron, smiling. She was in love with Iron. I felt my stomach clenching, I must be more hungry.
“I am Tiana by the way. I am going to show you the way to Disney, you guys need all the help you can get”.
Tiana was glowing, I couldn’t stop staring at her.
“You, ok?” She asked concerned
“How long have I been out?”
“Three days?” I looked towards Iron, wait how many days was it now till I turned 16? How far away was I from finding true love?
“Yeah, you’d made me worry”. Iron smiled a little
“I am sorry but thank you for helping me. I was an idiot.”
“I think you still are, but thankfully you will manage”.
I rolled my eyes
“Anyways, Disney next, a kiss from a princess Iron”.
“Yeah, just eat something first and then we leave”.

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