Chapter 8: Lance

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My head did not hurt every day anymore. To be able to go outside was amazing. The wind blowing around me hear the fresh wind and the smell of grass.
The flashback passed by my eyes. The smell of fresh grass and flowers. The guy again. The guy that had pushed me. I was giving him a hand helping him up.  He looked worn out and dusty. We practiced sword fighting.
“You should be more careful,” I said.
He rolled his eyes and limped to a place where he could sit. His blue eyes felt like they were piercing mine.
He had seen something.
Seen something? My flashback was so weird sometimes. Who was that guy? He had pushed me down a cliff, but I knew him well, somehow. It had something to do with King Mida's kingdom because how the crest I had worn when Arthur found me.
Arthur was walking toward me.
“Sit down”
I had a feeling he was going to tell me something important, so I did what he said.
“It has been 3 weeks now, you are finally healthy, so I am leaving soon. I have a goal of uniting all of the kingdoms. To do that I have to find Excalibur. Afterward, I am going to find my friend if he is still alive.”
I looked at him.
“I am joining.” I had nothing else to do and it was a way for me to slowly remember who I was. Maybe I would find out who that guy was and get my revenge for pushing me over the edge of that cliff and getting me to forget everything.
Arthur smiled.
“I just hope I have all the components…”
- Freedom, joy, and responsibility
-Bravery, courage, and strength
-Leadership, mercy, and collaboration
-Knowledge, creativity, and resourcefulness
-Love, empathy and compassion

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