Chapter 9: Gazania

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It had been three weeks since I left my tower. Luckily for me, I got some help from snow white and her seven dwarf friends. They were working on a project about being the evil queen but stumbled upon a problem after she attacked King Mida's kingdom. Now she ruled two kingdoms. Both King Mida's kingdom and King White's kingdom.
“Remember you can always come back”
I smiled back.
“Thank you for letting me stay, see you, Snow.”
She smiled back
“You too”
I started walking. I didn’t know where I was going, but where the path was leading me. I was happy I didn’t have any responsibilities. I was also free now; I could get my happily ever after like I wanted.
I walked for something that felt like hours. Suddenly I felt an arrow pass right beside me. I didn’t have any weapons on me, but Snow had given me a frying pan that she didn’t need any more just to make food over the fire. A frying pan should work though. I took it up and held it in front of me. A shield and a weapon.
“Who is there”
“I steal from the rich and give to the poor, but sometimes I also reqrout”
A fox, not a fox human landed in front of me
“I am Robin, would you like to join my team”
When I thought about it, I wanted my life to begin. Trapped in my tower for so long. My parents could wait.
“Hell yeah, count me in. Steel from the rich give to the poor, sound fun”
“It will be a little dangerous, but you look like you have some fight in you. Follow me”
He turned around and wagged his tail to make me follow.

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