Week Days : A Shikamaru Nara Series: Wednesday

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Ugh. God damn it! That lazy ass ninja had managed to escape again! Was it so much to ask that we spent one afternoon doing something couple-like! To him it was. Even when we had first started going out he ALWAYS managed to weasel out of doing anything a normal couple did. He didn’t like going shopping together, he didn’t like eating out a restaurants, all he liked doing was either having me watch him sleep round his house or him sleeping ON me at my house.


It was really starting to annoy me.

I was walking through the market trying to spot where that coward had run off to. I was fuming about his. He was just so, so, so fricken LAZY!! I was getting strange looks from children, adults, hell. Even the animals were staring as i grumbled to myself. I had just gone past Ino’s flower shop when i spotted the bastard. He was walking out of the hot springs. I growled a stomped towards him.


I had gotten a few steps away from him and he suddenly shoved to reservation tickets in my face. I snatched them out of his hand and gave him a sceptical look.

“what are these for??”

I had my hands on my hips and my eyebrows furrowed still ready to happily give him an earful. He sighed and rubbed his head taking the tickets back and putting them in his pocket.

“Troublesome woman. Your always complaining that we don’t do...couple stuff so i got us a private hot spring for tonight.”

My mouth dropped open. This was unexpected. He usually just spouted some crap about having a imaginary mission or something then go hide in a field. I raised an eyebrow at him sceptically.

“so you just suddenly came up with this.”

He snorted and started walking.

“Of course not. My first choice of hiding place was Ino’s shop and she recommended it before you killed me”

I smiled and caught up with him. So hot springs tonight? Yeah that’ll work.

“So what time are we going?”

I wrapped looped my arms through his and watched him sigh.

“I got the hot spring for 7 to 9:30”

I smiled and squeezed his arm. This was going to be nice. Remind me to thank Ino next time i see her. Finally me and Shikamaru were going to something couplely. I couldn’t wait.

“This is going to be great! Thank you Shikamaru!”

He grumbled troublesome under his breath and turned away probably to hide the blush on his cheeks. We got back to my apartment and quickly darted into my room packing a bag of extra clothes just in case. Of course Shikamaru had plopped himself onto the couch and would probably stay there until we had to leave.

“Suki. Its 5 O’clock. We don’t have to think about going for another hour and a half.”

I skipped back into the living room and sat on his lap. I put one knee over the other and wrapped my arms around his neck.

“No. You don’t have to think about getting ready for another hour and a half but im a girl and we have to plan things at the very least 2 hours ahead. No matter how small.”

He chuckled lightly and turned on the T.V. I shifted a little and got comfy, looks like this was how we were going to spend the next 2 hours.

-------------------------------------(time skip cause I’ve had enough of that scene)--------------------------------------

“Shikamaru, hurry up”

I had gone into the bedroom to get my bag. We had to leave in a few minutes and Shikamaru was just laying there not bothered. He rubbed his eyes.

“woman. We’ve got 10 minutes.”

I whacked him on the back of the head and pulled him up.

“Yes 10 minutes to get there, now come on.”

I shoved his spare clothes bag I had packed for him into his hands and marched him out of my apartment. We managed to get to the hot springs and check ourselves in with out too much trouble. I did have to glare my way out of him complaining a few times but that was it. The lady in charge sent us in opposite directions to get changed into our towels before she would come get us and we could spend the next 2 and a half hours soaking together. I quickly swapped my clothes for the fresh towel laid out for me. I sat quietly for a few minutes before a knocking came from the door and the old women came in.

“You can go into the springs now hunny, your husband is waiting. And might i say you two are a lovely couple”

I followed her out of the changing room and laughed nervously. I had a small feeling it wouldn’t go over well if i said we weren’t married. She showed me to the door of our spring and left. I let out a deep breath and entered my vision immediately being blocked by steam. I squinted and just managed to make out the outline of the hot spring. I started shuffling forward and sat down at the edge of the spring.


The steam was really thick now and i could feel myself blush from the heat. I started kicking my legs in the water, maybe he was still getting ready. A hand came out from the water and pulled me in. I screamed and held onto the edge to stop myself from going under.

“jesus! Calm down woman its just me!”

I gasped for breath and felt around next to me. And sure enough there was Shikamaru’s shoulder. I slowed own my breathing and splashed water over his face.

“Are you mad Shikamaru?! You nearly gave me a heart attack.”

He snorted and wrapped one arm around my shoulders.

“pfft hardly Suki. And you said you wanted you wanted to do things like a couple so here we are.”

I shifted a little and snuggled closer. I had to admit even though someone had to put the idea in his head, this was nice. It was just me and him finally doing something a normal couple would. I looked up at him. His eyes were droopy and he was just staring into space. A thought popped into my head and i cleared my throat to catch his attention.

“Neh? Shikamaru? Ive been meaning to ask you. Why don’t you like doing couplely things like going shopping and eating out? I mean your always saying you want a normal relationship and i think those things kind of indicate normal.”

He rolled his eyes and sighed, mumbling a few troublesomes under his breath. He looked at me a little sternly and tightened his grip on my shoulder.

“Suki. We’re a couple right?”

I looked at him weirdly, that was a odd way to answer. Ask a simple question and he replys with a strange one. I chuckled a little.

“Well, i dunno lets look at it shall we? We spend most of our free time together, you do practically live at my apartment, we do occasionally sleep together and we’re sitting in a private hot spring together with only thin towels hiding our shame. So yes i would categorize us a couple. Why?”

He coughed a little at my blunt answer and i couldn’t really tell but it looked like he blushed.

“well to be honest. I don’t think shopping together makes us a couple. I don’t think eating out at a restaurant makes us a couple. I think that the things we do in private make us a couple.”

Ok now he was definitely blushing i mean i was a little flushed from the heat of the springs but he had just gone completely red all over. What he said definitely made sense though. So he didn’t think doing those things made us a couple. He could’ve just told me. That struck a cord in my mind and glared at him playfully. I raised my fist and gently rested it on his head.

“Idiot! You could’ve just told me that! You’ve just caused all this trouble that telling me this would have stopped! Stupid ass.”

I couldn’t help but smile while saying that. I wrapped my arms around his middle and rested my head on his shoulder. He chuckled at me and rested his own head on top of mine.

“Tch. Troublesome woman”

“Bite me.”

Week Days: A Shikamaru Nara Series: MondayWhere stories live. Discover now