EP - 11

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⁓ Afterglow,leave ya body golden like the sun and the moonYou already know ⁓

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⁓ Afterglow,
leave ya body golden like the sun and the moon
You already know ⁓



I assume that since everyone enjoyed Episode 07 so much, which was all about Wattpad clichés, I thought, why not bless the world with a Part 2? Because honestly, Wattpad clichés are the gift that keeps on giving

That Smirking ML
He smirks after everything he does—whether he's tying his shoelaces, filing taxes, or declaring war. Someone check if his life force is tied to that expression, please.

The Amnesia Trope
The character conveniently forgets the one person they're supposed to love but remembers their 3rd-grade teacher's middle name. Is this a tragic accident or a talent?

The Infamous Orbs
Green orbs, sapphire orbs, amber orbs. Forget "eyes"—apparently, characters have shiny marbles in their sockets. And no, Wattpad, no one's eyes sparkle like polished gemstones in real life.

The Holy Trinity of Adjectives
Clumsy, naïve, petite. Wattpad writers seem to adore these three adjectives more than they do writing itself. Is it even a female lead if she doesn't trip over air?

The Insta Best Friend Transition
"She's just like me! We bonded so well, and now we're best friends for life."
Okay, but where do people find this energy? I'm still trying to muster the courage to text someone back from two weeks ago.

The First Meet Action-Reaction
Sharpened gaze. Shivers down her spine. Smirking face.

The Invisible Wall of Wattpad
"I accidentally bumped into a wall—but wait! It's warm and muscular!"
Oh. Turns out this wall has a six-pack and perfect hair. Wattpad physics strikes again.

The ML's Body
Puffed chest, rock-hard eight-pack abs, veiny arms, and the infamous (non-existent) V-line. Someone should remind authors that most real humans don't walk around looking like Greek statues.

The After-Shower Entry
He's standing there with only a towel wrapped around his torso, and that one lone droplet of water glides down his abs before disappearing into his V-line and...
You know what? Let's stop here before it gets out of hand.

The Iconic Scar
"My mom/dad loved their belt a little too much."
Yep, that's enough explanation. Trauma equals character depth in Wattpad logic.

The Maid Turned Princess
She was scrubbing floors one day and wearing a crown the next. Cinderella vibes, but with extra Wattpad drama thrown in.

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