Too much of a good thing - can be wonderful (ICT - MS and DK. Ft.Sachin)

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Too much of a good thing - can be wonderful (ICT - MS and DK. Ft.Sachin)

A/N - I sincerely hope you are not hating these. As I work on that 'House in the woods', I need to scribble. And life is a full mess atm.

DK: When's the last time you slept?

MS: Uh... a few days ago, I think.

DK: A few- how many?!

MS: Uh... *starts counting on fingers* I need more fingers...

DK: What you need is sleep!

MS was lounging through the foyer of the hotel, trying to draw some sense of what he would like to eat and groaned as he realised that the last chocolate pastry had just been brought by a young girl, who looked entirely too happy to have got it.

Now that left him with just the Strawberry one and a suspicious looking green one; the choice was far from earth-shattering and MS quietly pointed at the pink piece of sugar.

"The Strawberry one, sir?" The boy at the counter asked and at MS's hesitant nod, packed it. "Just one?" He asked again.

"Do you have another one in the back?" The flicker of hope lit for a moment and MS realised that they may be having a spare chocolate one too.

But it was not to be. With a half look at the half-hidden room at the back, the boy shook his head. "Sorry sir. These two are the last of the pastries." And he handed the box over to MS.

Trudging over to the strategically placed sofas, MS ignored the cloying artificial smell and taste of the pastry and finished it in a couple of bites. He had been hungry for a while now, but had not fancied going back to his room and ordering food.

He soon found a comfortable looking stairwell and dropped down on a step, leaning his head against the banisters. This was far from the worst place he had had a nap in; the overcrowded local trains and the stadium bleachers in summer, took the cake.

The practice had been brutal today and the general environment in and around the team was still too heavy. Sachin had lost it with them and MS did not remember ever being reamed out that bad by the master blaster.

But now, his eyes just would not stay open and he felt his lids meeting each other ever so often.

"Hey Dhoni! Idhar kyun so rha hain?"

MS woke with a jerk and felt this heart beating hard to play catch up. The winks he had caught were only a few but he had fallen into a fairly deep yet brief sleep.

"Wh-What?" MS mumbled, trying to catch any drool that may have escaped his mouth. "DK?"

"Uh huh." DK leaned over and in an uncharacteristic display of care, placed his hand over MS's forehead. "Are you sick or something?"

MS shook his head, dislodging DK's hand. "Just a little tired."

"But you are feeling a little warm. Maybe you should visit the Physio?"

"The Physio has a fever too." MS looked at DK and the two wicket-keepers laughed out loud at tandem.


"Yeah. But I am fine. I am always kinda hot; my skin that is."

"Oh of course." DK smirked. "So, again. Why are you sleeping here? Who are you bunking with?"

"For this tour? With Sachin Paaji."

At MS's reply, DK's smirked harder and shook his head complacently. "I should have known," he murmured. "People to kill to get such a chance and here is our very own coy boy, who runs from Sachin Paaji."

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