Chapter 2: Loosing the rest of my family

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The next day at noon

Everyone is here to watch the deul even the gods. We are going to fight with swords and two rounds. "Let the deul begin!" announched Chiron. Nico charged me head on and I went in devence. He looked likd he would kill me if he could. This is going to be a hard match.

At the end of the second round.

Nico was getting the upper hand on the fight when I suddenly disarmes him abd held my sword at his chest. Then he did the most supprising thing ever, he fell foward into my sword. My sworf did not kill him, but it still did damage. As soon as he screamed in pain the Apollo campers came and took him to the infirmary. When they were gone everyone turned to me with a glare that could have killed me. Then I heard something horrific ," I Poseidon herby disown my son, Perseus Jackson. He is no longer a son of mine." Poseidon stated. As soon as he said it I felt a burning feeling on my face and I knew that I had three claw marks over my face showing that I am disowned. Another thing I felt was Gorover's empathy link being broken between us. Without saying a word I walked out of the arena.

The next day

I am looking for Annabeth, because I want to talk to her. I have searched everywhere, but the beach. So I walked over there to see Annabeth kissing a new kid. I did not even bother to say a word. There and then I knew that I need to leave this place and I dicided to leave right now. At Thalia's pine I looked back at the place that was once my home and wispered farewell to it. Now I want to go to my mom to tell her about what happend.

At my mom's house

Whrn I knocked I knew something was wrong when my mom opened the door. She glared at me for the first time ," Percy! I can't believe you!" she screamed at me. To say I was shocked was an understatement, I was beyond that. "You almost killed your friend. That is low, very low for you." she said. "Mom, I didn't stab him. He did it himself. Please believe me." I pleaded. "I want to hear nothing of your lies. Percy, you know what you are? You my ex-son 'yes my ex-son. I disown you' are a murderur." My mom screamed at me. I could not talk to her, she broke my heart into pieces. I have nothing left I might as well die. With a sad expresson I left the house only to find Perses Titan of distruction wating for me. He looked pleased," Percy, good to meet you. It a bad thing we won't know eachother long." He said as he attacked me. I was on decence mode. The battle went good untill I stabbed Perses with my sword right before he died he cursed me to live without a heart that would love again and that I would always ba a stone cold warrior. Than after that he threw a dagger at my heart, but I was to late to stop it. So Perses and I died on the same they by each other's hand.

Percy Jackson, the saving angel of OrderWhere stories live. Discover now