Chapter 16: Betrayed... again!?

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It was almost noon and we were ready to leave,"Listen to me! While we are gone Tarturus is in charge. You WILL listen to him,or else! Are we clear?" I asked in a low voice let's just say everyone agreed quickly. "Now my group, come. We're leaving!" I orderd. "How are we going to get there?" Bianca asked. "Leave that to me. The base is in San Fransico and I will teleport us there and then we will search for the place." I explained. They nodded and I teleported us there.

We found the base almost immediatly, it was at the foot of Mount Tam. The base was massive,"Right, listen. The 12 major gods and immortal campers will come with me. The rest will be a distraction so we can go inside the main building and steal information. Understand?" I explained they nodded and we divided into groups. As soon as we heard screams we ran into the building,"Listen, firstly we are going into the control room to sabatoge their weapons and then we are going to the strategy room to steal their plans." I orderd and we began to make our way to the control room, suprisingly no one attacked us. Inside the room we destroyed or sabotaged their weapons. Then we began to head towards the strategy room when we reached it serveal monster were wating for us. I destroyed them while the rest took their plans. "Come let's help the other outside." I said and we ran outside to see te rest captured by the army and some of the gods and demigods were also holding our army. I was about to help them when something sharp inpailed me. When I turned around Annabeth was twisting the dagger inside of me,"Annabeth?"  I said. "Sorry, Percy. I am on the other side and a few of my friends." She explained and then Zues, Apollo, Artimes , Demeter, Hera, Luke (again), Grover (shocking), Nico and Bianca grabbed the remaining of us,"Why are you doing this?" Poseidon yelled. "We want more. O, Percy? That dagger in you have a rare poison on it. Good luck with that." Zues said and out of anger I shot into tha sky flapping my wings and then I screamed and about 2500 monsters turned into dust. After that I flashed the good side back to Camp Half-Blood.

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