MK11 - Chapter 5

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Location: Shang Tsung's Island

Status: Abandoned

Shang Tsung, Sindel, Fujin, Jaune, and Nightwolf walked through the passage leading to the central courtyard.

As they approached the end of the passage, they stopped to look up at the gruesome sight of 5 corpses hanging from the rafters. 

The corpses were Shaolin monks hanged by their necks. Their skin horrifically decayed but not wholly rotted away, leaving their eyes intact but a dull yellow-gray. Shang Tsung looked at them with an expression of - for a change, genuine - remorse.

"They couldn't go on..." Shang Tsung said as he looked at his former loyalists. "I am....touched by their devotion."

One of the rotted monk's eyes fell from its head onto the floor. Sindel continued, unimpressed. Shang followed her, still upset, while Nightwolf looked doubtful. Fujin remains impassive while Jaune does his best not to stare at the corpses anymore.

"I question their judgment," Nightwolf commented.

"Have neither of you any compassion?" Shang Tsung gaslighted.

"Not for fools who follow you." The native countered.

"Are we not following him now?" Sindel asked. "At least we do not follow that fool Raiden. Then we would surely die."

Shang smiles at the remark. Nightwolf, Jaune, and Fujin exchange glances of suspicion at her words.

As they walked out into the courtyard, a purple blur of light sped around them, moving in a circle to box them in. 

After a moment, Fujin shot a wind blast before him, catching the blur and shoving it back. The revenant - now identifiable as Kabal - slid to a kneeling halt before picking himself up and approaching them.

"You may run like the wind, Kabal, but I command it. You should have devised a better plan." Fujin said.

"There's more to come," Kabal retorted.

From behind a wall, the revenant of Jade emerged. She approached the five of them and slammed her staff into the ground. She picks it up and twirls it over her head, generating green energy in a circle above her. She slams the staff again into the ground, and the green energy pulses from it in shockwaves into the surrounding area.

"Rise, in Shinnok's name!" Jade echoed.

The energy reached the hanging corpses from earlier, which suddenly revived and freed themselves from the ropes they were hanging from. 

One corpse's flesh was so rotted that it decapitated itself before it could free its neck, but this did not inhibit the rest of the body from standing up along with the others.

The Shaolin zombies and five others from the surrounding area approached Jaune, Fujin, Nightwolf, Shang Tsung, and Sindel, growling at them with vocal cords long rotted away and surrounding them in a semi-circle. 

Jade also approached them, pointing her staff at Sindel. "You will be returned to the void," Jade's revenant said. Not even she can help you."

The undead Shaolin monks roared and charged. Nightwolf parries one's strikes and kicks while Shang Tsung blocks swipes from Jade's staff with the metal braces on his forearm. Sindel and Jaune occupied themselves as they dealt with the multiple numbers of undead Shaolin.

Fujin shot a zombie through the head at point-blank range with his miniature crossbow, killing it, and followed with three more shots at Kabal. The former Black Dragon merc avoided them with super speed and soon got into fighting range.

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