After defeating Samhain the Halloween Overlord, Percy Howard and his group will have to face a bigger threat who is none other than Percy's future self, known as Kamen Rider Overright and his army of Titans. What he doesn't know is that he'll have a...
(In Kyoto, everything goes peaceful and quiet, cars honking, kids going to school, and civilians headed to work. At the cafe, Percy and Ryuko are seen having a peaceful date.)
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Percy: Ah, that was a good tea.
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Ryuko: (nods) You said it, nothing can interrupt our date.
(They suddenly hear a siren going off, both Percy and Ryuko see several citizens panicking and running away.)
Ryuko: Me and my big mouth.
Percy: What are they running from?
(A double loud roar is heard as the two see two Titans destroying buildings as the second one eats some innocent citizens.)
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(Percy and Ryuko nod as they prepare to transform.)
Percy: Let's fly. HENSHIN!
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Birthright: For truth, justice and the American way. Kamen Rider Birthright!
(He flies towards Dracosaurus Rex, who dodges his attack and grabs him before throwing him to a hotel. Ryuko charges at Carni-Virgo and slashes him, but he is barely fazed and smacks her away and crashes into buildings. Birthright goes to punch Dracosaurus Rex, and sends him sprawling. He then saves Ryuko from Carni-Virgo as he punches him as well.)
Birthright: Are you alright, Ryuko.
Ryuko: (groans) Yeah, but those two had to interrupt our date...
(Suddenly some footsteps are heard as a certain Autobot Leader walks towards the two Titans.)
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A/N: Credits go to DCD10Unite
(Dracosaurus and Rex charge at Optimus, who charges back at them as both Ryuko and Birthright get shocked by his new appearance.)
Ryuko: Is that... Optimus Prime?
Birthright: Yeah, that's him, and he looks more powerful.
Ryuko: How can you be sure?
Birthright: i'm not so sure, but... if I talk to him, he might tell me what's wrong.
(Optimus draws a sword, and slashes Dracosaurus Rex while Carni-Virgo sprouts his wings and flies up to him, but Optimus uses a Sonic Wave Weapon to make him drop as he roars in pain. He then finally uses his cannons to blast both Titans.)
Optimus: This is the power of a Prime!
(Birthright tries to approach him, but he raises his hand.)
Optimus: Don't get any closer.
Birthright: Optimus... what's going on?
Optimus: All you need to know is that someone else is behind this... someone from a distant future.
Birthright: We can help you.
Optimus: No, you can't. This is something only Godzilla Sr. and I can do... by ourselves.
(As he walks away, he turns to Birthright.)
Optimus: And Percy, never stop fighting for freedom. It's the right of all sentient beings.
(He then transforms and rolls out as Ryuko approaches Percy, and they revert back to normal.)
Ryuko: What was Optimus talking about?
Percy: Looks like he and Godzilla Sr. are ready for something.
Ryuko: Could it be the threat Godzilla Sr. is looking for?
Percy: I don't know for sure, but... we have to find out soon.
(Suddenly a whistle is heard as they turn to a cloaked figure whistling.)
????: My, my, my... if it isn't Percy Howard and his girlfriend Ryuko Matoi...
(Both Percy and Ryuko get in their fighting stances as the screen fades out.)