Chapter 5: Birthright vs OverRight (Round 2)

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(Meanwhile in New York, a Lion Kaiju is seen destroying Big Apple as the people are running in panic.)

(In Kyoto, an aerial shark dragon is seen crunching a building, eating some innocent civilians alive

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(In Kyoto, an aerial shark dragon is seen crunching a building, eating some innocent civilians alive. He then flies as he continues his rampage.)

(Cut to Hannover, a megabat grabs a wrestler and lifts him while flying

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(Cut to Hannover, a megabat grabs a wrestler and lifts him while flying.)

(The megabat then drops the wrestler as he crashes into the ground, resulting in his death

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(The megabat then drops the wrestler as he crashes into the ground, resulting in his death.)

(An in Greece, several temples are destroyed by a giant ape.)


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Kamen Rider Birthright: Enter Kamen Rider OverRightWhere stories live. Discover now