Chapter 3: Birthright vs OverRight (Round 1)

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(Percy and Ryuko are seen face to face with the cloaked male figure.)

Percy: Who are you?

????: I'm just someone who's been following you for so long.

Ryuko: A gay stalker?

????: (chuckles) No, I'm not gay, I never was.

Percy: So then... who are you anyway?

(The cloaked figure throws his cloak away, revealing to be Percy's future self.)

Future Percy: I

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Future Percy: I... am you... from a dark, distant future. I was defeated by my stepmother, and tortured by Neo H.Y.D.R.A. and its Dark Riders. She became the ruler of both Daikaiju-Verse and Megaforce-Verse... at least until I had access to... this!

(The Ohma Birthright Driver appears in his waist.)

Future Percy: Thanks to this driver, I became stronger than ever, and I can even control the Titans, just like the ones who just got defeated by Optimus Prime.

(Both prepare to transform.)

Future Percy: Henshin!


(Future Percy then becomes Kamen Rider Overright.)

Percy: Let's fly

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Percy: Let's fly. HENSHIN!


(Percy becomes Kamen Rider Birthright.)

Birthright: For truth, justice, and the American Way

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Birthright: For truth, justice, and the American Way. Kamen Rider Birthright!

(Then Birhtight prepares to face OverRight as he charges at him to try to punch him, but no matter how hard he punches him, OverRight isn't fazed at all, much to Ryuko's shock. He then tries to punch harder, but OverRight blocks each of his attacks.)

OverRight: Slow, weak, stupid.

(He then pushes Birthright, sending him sprawling as he chuckles deviously. As Birthright gets up, OverRight performs a choke slam, pushing him away. Birthright gets up again and flies up, but OverRight does the same, and grabs him.)

OverRight: You don't live up to your reputation, my youthful self!

(He throws him before performing a kick similar to Titanus Virtus', which hits Birthright. He then summons a familiar violin, and plays it as a horde of bats that fly at Birthright, harming him greatly. He even summons Kyugo, who launches some missiles and blow Birthright, who struggles to get up as OverRight approaches him.)

OverRight: What's the problem? Life's flashing before your eyes?

(OverRight then performs his finisher.)


(OverRight summons his demonic powers on his right foot to deliver a powerful kick that injures Birthright, reverting him back to Percy, and at the same time, breaking his MiraiDriver. As OverRight approaches him, two individuals come out of nowhere and grab both Percy and Ryuko.)

Ryuko: What the hell?

????: No time to explain.

(The four are teleported as OverRight smirks deviously.)

OverRight: I have won anyway.

(As the screen fades out, OverRight roars at the screen, breaking it as a "To be Continued is written.)

Kamen Rider Birthright: Enter Kamen Rider OverRightWhere stories live. Discover now