After defeating Samhain the Halloween Overlord, Percy Howard and his group will have to face a bigger threat who is none other than Percy's future self, known as Kamen Rider Overright and his army of Titans. What he doesn't know is that he'll have a...
(After the Titans returned home under the command of Virtus, he along with E-On, Ribut, Jiro and Ben prepared to bid farewell.)
Jiro: The Daikaiju Warriors will gladly help you whenever you need us.
Ben: I could say the same about Alien Dino Thunder Megaforce.
Virtus: We will always be with you.
E-On: And remember, you must never stop fighting for what you believe.
Ribut: This is what makes a hero.
Percy: (nods) I got it.
Ryuko: And don't worry about him. (hugs Percy) He's never alone.
Satsuki: If either old or new threats dare show up, we'll be ready.
Jiro: (smiles) I'm counting on this. (to Virtus and E-On) Okay, guys. Let's go back to Daikaiju-Verse.
Ben: (to Ribut) Let's return to Megaforce-Verse.
Jiro/Ben: (unison) That's where we belong.
(Then the portals for their respective universes open, and both teams go through it as Jiro and Ben smile at Percy, who nods and salutes. As the portals close, Percy smiles while shedding a tear.)
Percy: I'll miss them...
????: Damn, I'm late.
(They turn to see a male figure in a cloak with military suit and a mask.)
Percy: Who are you? And why is your voice so familiar.
????: I can't say it here. Follow me.
(The male figure goes to the alleyway, and Percy has a feeling that he can somehow be trusted as he goes to the alleyway by himself. As he arrives in there, the male figure speaks up again.)
Percy: So, ready to answer my question?
????: I was believed to be dead along with our father. Does that ring a bell?
Percy: Father... (realizes) Wait a second, you are...?
(The male figure removes his disguise revealing himself as...)
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(Percy's eyes widen as tears come out of them, and then he hugs him.)
Percy: (in tears) Brother... you're alive.
Michael: (smiles) Yes, I am.
(They then part from the hug.)
Percy: But... how?
Michael: Well, I was basically revived by an Ultra Warrior named Ultraman Nebula. He used to lead the Nebulan Beasts until...