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Luke Losers❣️

MEG loves luke
So, did Shi die in LA?
Girl has been absent for

Not that I heard of, and
her phone has made it
back to her apartment 😂

Toni =}
Thank you for saying
it! I've been wanting to
scream at her to fill us in
on LA for days!! Where is

@startingshine get your
ass in here and talk to your

Toni =}
Has she said anything to you

I talked to her on the way
to the date on Thursday,
but the only thing I've got
since was a text that she
made it back home Friday.
She said she was really
busy though.

MEG loves luke
@startingshine we will
not rest until you reply!!!

Oh my gosh, I am alive.
I'm just mentally checked
out a bit right now. And
so fucking busy! 😂

You promised us a date
recap on Friday, and
videos from Ashton's
show too! It's Monday!!!

I'll get the videos
formatted and sent this
week. As for the date,
well it was basically
perfect. A picnic by a lake,
pedal-boats, and I laughed
a lot. Plus was almost late
to Ashton's show cuz we
were having such a good
time 🫣😂 10/10 would
say yes to a second date.

MEG loves luke
Do we get to know his
name now then? 👀

Um... no, not yet 🤭

That's just mean

Oh! I did meet C though!
At Ashton's show


No way???

Toni =}
You did?

MEG loves luke

Lowkey, he's a creep. Very
uncomfy vibes from him in
person 🫣 I left to use the
bathroom and went back to
a different part of the floor
to get away from him
halfway through.

MEG loves luke
That's actually crazy. He
seems so sweet on twitter,
I never would have guessed
he'd have bad vibes.

At first I brushed it off as
just the first interaction
awkward, but he didn't
understand personal space
and kept asking invasive
questions for someone
who I'd just randomly met
for the first time in person.
We def aren't close enough
even on twitter for him to
be trying to look over my
shoulder at my texts and
asking if I'm texting my
boyfriend or what not. It
was weird

Toni =}
That sounds weird. I was
really hoping it would end
up being this super cute
Twitter-make-couple thing
for you two. But not if he's
acting like that.

Ew, I want to fight him for making you uncomfy. That's not okay!

Thanks, I survived. I was
smart about it, and I'll
make sure to avoid him if
or when our paths may
cross again. Plus, I think
I'm going to see this other
possibly blooming
relationship out a while, so
no need for any other men

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