Chapter Three

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It's been one week since my encounter with Miss Fraiser.

Exactly five business days since I've laid everything out on the table only for it to be ignored; my attempts of getting the one thing I need have resulted with nothing.

Not only has Miss Fraiser's lack of response left me in an outrage, but I'm also completely baffled how she can fail to give me some sort of status on her thoughts of the merger.

Styles inc is at the top of the business world surpassing even Fraiser enterprise, why would anyone not accept a business offer that allows them to join the best of the best?

My thoughts drift to Andy.

There is no other explanation for why I still haven't received world about my offer except that the decision lays in the hands of a 23 year old woman.

If Fraiser senior was still in charge of his corporation and was making the decisions, Fraiser Styles would be the headline of every major business magazine and website in America.

It was because of a mindless girl that I felt more on edge than I had in months.

Flashes of the blonde with the poised frame and polished face infuriated me.

She should not be effecting me so heavily.

Normally a girl that looked like Miss Fraiser would set me on edge in the best way, making me want to strategize on how I could get her for a night.

However, I could already tell that there was much more to Andy than her looks.

She was easily a ten out of ten, but she had more to her than just long legs and a nice ass.

Just by the way she looked at me with her faux innocence and dominating expressions I could tell that this woman was designed to kill, and I knew how dangerous that could be to someone as important as me.

So here I was, frustratingly tugging at my hair at 10:58 pm as I stared at the quotas for this month.

The numbers were gradually decreasing and I couldn't ignore the fact that it was only a matter of time until Frasier was back on top, and I could not have that.

No, I would not have that.

As I stare at my computer screen with disgust, the door to my office swings open revealing non other than Jack Wright.

Jack is the only person I trust with my life.

He and I grew up together since age 7.

Every horrible phase or terrible decisions were made and gone through together.

After I started ascending the corporate ladder, I decided to bring Jack with me which only helped me as a business man.

It was hard to be in a crazy manipulating world by yourself, so I chose not to go in it alone.

"Man, what are you doing at your office at eleven o'clock? Let's get out of here." He asks, loosening his tie with one hand as he stares at me in disbelief.

"I could ask you the same thing." I shoot back, ignoring his attempts of trying to get me to leave the office.

I have far too much to worry about to just walk away and pretend like everything is peachy.

He shrugs before he runs a hand roughly through his messy blonde hair.

"I have a family to feed." He answers which earns an eye roll from me.

Jack and I used to be closer than we are now, only because he decided to ruin his life by marrying some girl three years ago who he had met in college.

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