Chapter Eight

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Never once have I felt like an outcast in my years of owning my own business, however this is an exception.

As I walk through the somewhat crowded lobby of Fraiser Enterprises, I can't help but feel that I am unwelcome here.

I receive looks of disapproval as well as disbelieving glances as I quickly make my way  to the elevators.

At my own practice, people fear me.

Sure, I have a long list of employees you are certainly not fans of mine, but they never have acted as if I don't belong there.

Mostly because I would quickly fire anyone that I ever felt thought lowly of me.

I step on the elevator and push the button for the top floor.

I've never been to Andy's office, but if I had to make an executive guess, I would assume that her office would be on the top floor.

After a long debate with Jack, I thought it best that I don't let Andy know that I will be paying her a visit.

Odds are, if she knows that I'm coming to see her, she would have guards ready to throw me out.

This should be an eventful afternoon.

In preparation for my encounter with Miss Fraiser, Jack gave me a long list of do's and don't's before I agreed that his approach was much more efficient than mine.

I do not want to beg her for anything but I quickly realized that I would rather keep my spot at the top of the totem pole more than I wanted to not swallow my pride.

So I would have to kiss a little ass, so what?

At the end of the day I'm still Harry styles, so who gives a shit.

The elevator is filled with an uncomfortable silence as we make our way to the top floor and I pray that this whole exchange will be as little pain as possible.

Eventually we reach the top floor, and I find myself making my way to a sleek white desk in the middle of what looks like a waiting room.

Fitting most secretaries stereo types, a young brunette girl is sat at the desk with a phone sandwiched between her shoulder and ear.

Attempting to come off polite, I pull my mouth into an unnatural feeling smile as I approach the young secretary.

She must immediately realize who I am because she quickly dismisses whoever she's on the phone with.

Trying to appear  cool and collected, she keeps a neutral expression, hands clasped on the desk in front of her.

I reach her desk, a fake smile still plastered across my face.

"Hello, how are you?" I ask going over the phrase that Jack specifically told me to use today.

I'm not sure if he meant on Andy, or anyone I came across today so I choose to practice on this chick.

She narrows her eyes at me, obviously not amused by me.

"You shouldn't be here." She hisses, not acknowledging my perfectly polite greeting I offered her.

I heave a sigh, letting go of the smile that somehow still feels like it's etched on my face.

"I really need to speak to her. Is there anyway I can wait for her?" I suggest, even though we both know good and well I'm not going to wait for anyone.

She shakes her head.

"No, and if you know what's good for you you'll leave now." She snaps, attempting to sound threatening, but failing miserably.

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