Chapter Four

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"I scheduled the interview with Claire Tate from the Wall Street Journal for 2:00 Thursday." Charles informs me, looking up from his iPad as he sits in one of the two chairs across from my desk.

I let out a loud breath before I run a hand through my disheveled hair, only furthering the damage of my appearance.

I'm beyond stressed with everything thats going on with my business and going over my schedule for the next week is not helping me calm down.

"Move that back. I'm sure she'll want me to confront the rumors on the merger with Fraiser, and that's not something I can do at the moment." I reply, resting my elbows on the table and clasping my hands together before I rest my chin on top of them.

I hoped that I would have some type of answer on the partnership.

I guess no news is news.

Charles starts rapidly typing.

"Okay, when should I reschedule it for?" He asks, not bothering to look up at me.

I think about this for a moment.

The rational part of me wants to cancel the interview all together since it seems that I won't get the response from Fraiser that I'm looking for.

However, I am one of the top business men in the world.

I have been on the cover of Forbes three years in a row and I'm notorious for being the most ruthless business mogul, obviously the "rational" part of me will not be winning this war.

"Let's skip that until I get some sort of information on where Fraiser stands. What else do you have for the week?" I ask, hoping that whatever is planned is more promising than the wall street journal interview.

Charles scrolls through my schedule for a moment before answering.

"The National Business Communications awards are next Friday." He tells me, saying it almost as if it's a question.

He looks up at me with a facial expression almost like we're in high school and he's trying to get me to a party that "could be fun".

The NBCA's were never fun though.

They are extremely boring, always held in a too expensive hotel ball room where all guests were forced to wear tuxes and ball gowns.

It was far too traditional for my taste.

I never attended that gala though styles inc got atleast a handful of awards each year. Since Jack is Vp, he always went in my place.

He loved that kind of atmosphere.

I narrow my eyes at Charles.

"And why does that have anything to do with me? You should talk to Wright about it. That banquet has nothing to do with me." I respond, which isn't the truth.

I'm the main reason for that stupid award gala and I've never forgiven myself for coming up with the idea.

When I was 18, I interned for the National Business Communications committee.

I started off doing mediocre tasks such as making copies and picking up lunch, but after I started attending staff meetings and sharing ideas with the committee, I soon became an asset to NBC.

Unfortunately, one of my "brilliant" ideas featured a yearly award banquet that honored the top business moguls in the country.

The board ended up loving my input and the National Business Communications awards became an annual occasion.

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