Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I don't know what I expected to wake up to, but an empty bed certainly wasn't it. I think the odd part about it is that every time I hook up with a girl, she seems to get the wrong impression and stay until I go to work the following morning, but of course its the complete opposite with Andy. She is the only girl that I've ever had stay the night and go a whole evening without doing anything. No sex, not even kissing; nothing. We only slept together and thats in the purest form of the phrase.

I let out a groan as I stretch before I head to my closet to change into my workout clothes. I imediately head to the gym where I attempt to relieve some of my stress before I relize I completely bailed on the Apsona Corp meeting last night. I run straight to my office, not even bothering with showering so I can type up a three page apologetic email. As soon as I send the email, my phone blows up with messages and voicemails asking me where I am which pisses me off considering that I'm the boss and ultimatley the only person I listen to. I decide to ignore everyone's concerns and take a shower instead.

I take my time getting dressed before I grab my brief case and phone and descend the stairs to the main floor of my penthouse. Gloria is waiting there, my thermos of coffee is hot and ready on the counter.

"I see your girlfriend has made you late." She says, the type of tone that holds that self righteous indignation that most elderly women speak with.

I roll my eyes at her. "She's not my fucking girlfriend and you know that." I snap, snatching up my coffee and brushing past her as I make my way to the garage. Gloria has worked for me for several years and even though we are both well aquainted with one another, her nosy personality and judgy attitude has always irritated me more than any other employee. However deep down I know that I would never be able to fire her. I would never tell her that though. 

On my way to the office, Jack calls me insisting that I check and sign off on the auditing report for the quarter. I tell him to leave it on my desk but his excuse is that he already left for lucnh so I'm stuck walking in the front doors of my office at 12:32 in the afternoon, only to have to stop on the second highest floor so I can hunt down the report. Thankfully, its sitting perfectly stacked in the middle of Jack's desk. I slam the door of his office behind me as I get comfortable in his chair, carfully looking over the numbers for any errors that might've occured.

After a solid thirty minutes, I come to the conclusion that the report is free of flaws and set it back on his desk before I make my way to the elevators at the end of the floor. Its when I'm half way down the hall that I hear the distinct sound of Andy's voice, and before I can even stop myself, I'm following after it.

Just like a scene from a cliché movie, she's standing by the elevator with Jack standing in front of her. I take advantage of her not paying attention to me to really take in every detail of her. She looks the complete opposite of last night: face covered in make up, no swollen eyes, and her long blond hair cascades down her back in curls. She's politely smiling at Jack, but I can see the saddness that was there only hours ago. No amount of make up will be able to cover up the damage that I had witnessed just last night. I'm about to interrupt them when I see another man standing next to Andy. At first I think its a random employee but my eyes fall down to his hand possevely placed on the small of Andy's back. After closely examining their proximity, my eyes wander up to his face, and I immediately recognize him as the dick from the award ceremony. Even though I know he wasn't the cause of Andy's distress last night, I still find myself fighting the urge to bash his skull in. He should've been the one holding her and comforting her, not her fucking business partner. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that she came to me, but he should've been the one she wanted to go to, not me.

Several seconds pass of me debating whether or not I should ignore them before I let out an internal laugh: I would never be able to 'ignore' them, I love confrontation too much.

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