Chapter Nineteen

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I'm stuck sitting in my seat, speechless as I try to wrap my mind around what just happened.

Did Andy really just imply that we had sex infront of our corporate attorneys during a business meeting?

Did she really imply that two months is enough time for her decide if she wants our companies to be pertnered together or not?

Before I know what I'm doing, I'm out of my chair and my feet are carrying me down the hallway to where the elevators are.

Sure enough Andy is waiting there along with a young guy that I recignize as the asshole that interrupted our first meeting together all those weeks ago.

I don't even have time to be angry at him because I'm already furious with the girl standing next to him.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I yell as I approach the pair.

Thankfully no one else is on the floor besides the attoreny and my secretaries. I would hate for anyone else to have to witness this exchange.

Andy turns around to face me, her expression mirrioring mine as she glares at me.

"You think you have a right to be mad at me?" She asks, her tone holding all of the emotions I'm feeling at the monet.

I let out a laugh that holds no humor as I look at her as if the answer is obvious.

"I definitly do." I say, pointing to the conference room hoping she knows that her behviour was beyond unacceptable.

She looks at me as if I've lost my mind.

"You so deserved that. You are the one that constantly acts like I'm such an idiot and how I don'tknow what I'm doing. I don't even know why you want to work with me so bad if that's how you feel." She admits, but I ignore her comments.

"So that's a good reason to bring up us having sex?" I ask, still yelling and not caring at all that her assistant is standing next to her as he looks around awkwardly.

She rolls her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest.

"It's not even a big deal. They probably didn't even know what I was referring to." She assures me, not caring at all how it looks that I slept with my potential business partner.

My eyes widen at her lack of empathy, and I dramatically throw my head back as if I can't believe that she really doesn't think the stunt she just pulled is a big deal.

The elevator doors open and the awkward kid shoots Andy a look, but she's too busy staring at me to see it.

"Get out of here." I tell him which only causes him to stare at Andy.

She heaves a sigh.

"Go wait in the car and I'll be there in a minute." She promises and he thankfully listens to her.

After he's safely away from us, I lower my voice slightly.

"Andy its a huge deal. Nobody can know what happened that night and I refuse for it to happen again. I dont know how you feel about it but-" I'm about to continue with my normal speech but am intrrupted by Andy staring at me with an expression thats a mix between confusion and being terrified.

"Are you giving me the 'I don't do relationships' speech"? She asks, her words coming out slow like she's having a hard time getting them out.

Instead of answering her, I just stare at her with blank expression.

Of course that's what I'm doing.

She has no business making something we did one time a big deal in front of our business partners.

she takes a deep breath.

"You do realize I have a boyfriend, right?" She asks like I care or like that clears up the confusion.

"Okay." Is all I say, the word coming out more like a question.

She continues to look at me with the same expression.

"Okay, so I love Nick. I had a fight with him, I didn't have anywhere to go, I got drunk and you were there so we had sex. I never thought that it menat we were anything more than business partners and I'm really confused why you would even be under that impression." She admits, the anger in her voice gone, her face now looking at me with furrowed eyebrows as observes me.

I look at her dumbfounded.

The tables turned completely and I have nothing to say to her.

I've always had to explain to girls that I dont ever want to be with them in that way again, and here Andy is saying the thought never crossed her mind.

I manage a nod, running my hand through my hair.

"Good, then we're on the same page." I say hoping that the awkward tention that made an appearence can quickly vanish.

"But don't think you can pull shit like that again." I add, referring to her careless comments about what I choose to do with Miss Fraiser behind closed doors.

She rolls her eyes.

"That's exactly what I'm referring to. Why do you think you can just barge in on my life and demand me to make life as easy as possible for you, and then you can turn right back around treat me like shit?" She asks, her arms crossed firmly over her chest as she awaits for an answer to a rhetorical question. 

Even with her being angry with me as she yells at me in the middle of my business, she still seems to remain incredibly poised which confuses me.

How is it that in the midst of her being perfectly chaotic, she is also collected and focused.

It takes me a minute to realize that she is legitimately awaiting an answer for me.

But I don't have an explanation, not a real one at least.

I'm an asshole and that's really the only reason I do half the shit I do.

She doesn't want to hear that though, she probably wants an apology, but shes definitely not getting one from me.

I take a few steps towards her, closing in on the space and hopefully intimidating her.

By the composed expression painted across her face mixed with her even breathing, my actions aren't having the effect that I initially intended, though I continue regardless.

"This is how I am, Andy. This is how I act around people business or pleasure and it's something you'll just have to learn to deal with." I say lowly, my tone not as loud as it was moments ago but something about makes it more threatening.

She narrows her eyes at me and I hope that she realizes that I'm not going to apologize or change my behavior.

"Does this mean you want to go ahead with my plan for the three month trial period since you obviously need more time to get accustomed to my personality?" I ask her, my tone patronizing as I take a step back, a smirk tugging at me lips.

She lets out a sarcastic laugh as she brushes past me and takes two steps to the elevator.

"No we can go forward with the 60 days. If you can't learn to be civil in that amount of time then it looks like you just won't get your partnership." The doors of the elevator open and she steps a aboard, turning to face me as she shrugs.

"Have a great day, Harry." She grins as the door close, leaving me cursing Andy as I stand in an empty room.

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