six - the drummer

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Ashton walked out of his house with his drumsticks and a bandana in his hands. His jeans were ripped at the knees like Luke's were and he was wearing a Green Day shirt which apparently belongs to someone named Calum.

Luke and Ashton started talking about picking up one or two more boys and then made their way back over to us.

"Who's this?" Ashton asked, looking over at me.

"That's Parker." Luke smiled. "Paige's new roommate."

"I wish she was my roommate." Ash whispered to Luke.

I smiled and Ashton grinned at me.

"Anyways!" Luke said, trying to change the subject. "We're still doing that thing tonight, right?" He asked Ashton.

"Yeah," Ashton replied. "Why do you ask?"

"I don't know, Calum mentioned something about not feeling well so I wasn't sure."

"Luke, I'll drag Calum out of his house if I have to. We can't miss this!" Ashton exclaimed.

"Can't miss what?" I asked the two.

"I told you." Luke grinned. "It's a surprise!"

Paige rolled her eyes. "Oh great. This again."

"You'll like it, Parker. I promise." Luke said looking into my eyes.

Something about him just made me feel like I could trust him. So I did.

"Alright," I smiled. "Where to next?"

Luke grinned. "I knew you wouldn't give up on me."

I felt myself blushing again. He's Paige's boyfriend, though. Not mine... Just ignore it...

"To Michael's house! Which is..... this way!" Luke called as him and Ashton pretended to fly off into the distance.

I smiled to myself. Dorks.


It took us ten minutes to get to Michael's house and Paige complained the whole way over.

"I can't believe he's dragging my ass to all of his friends' houses." Paige groaned.

I could tell that she clearly didn't like Luke's friends and she told me before that she thought their band sucked. But I thought that Ash seemed nice, and I wasn't going to judge them before I actually heard them perform. But who knows if I'll ever even get a chance to. I mean, what if tonight is my last night going with Paige and Luke somewhere? I don't think that Paige exactly approves of the whole "band" thing.

I'm a huge music lover, you could probably say that it's my life. It was all that helped me when I got kicked out of my old school. But I've never actually been to a real concert before. It's kind of hard to believe since music is all I seem to care about anymore.

That's another thing. My old school. I'm still a little paranoid after Paige's threat, and I'm still not quite sure what to make of her. Her mood is always changing. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth. What if she's still determined to find out my big secret?


I broke out of my thoughts and looked over to see Ashton calling up to Michael's window.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" called a voice from above our heads.

"JUST GET DOWN HERE!" Ashton yelled back up.

"You did tell him about this, right?" Ashton asked Luke.

Luke nodded. "Yeah, of course I did."

"Well, knowing Michael he's probably up there playing video games and eating pizza until he falls asleep." Ashton laughed. Luke started laughing too.

I looked over at Paige to see how she was holding up. I noticed that she was looking down at the ground and kicking pebbles, probably trying to hit Luke with one.

"You okay?" I asked her.

Paige's head shot up. "No I'm not freaking okay!" She exclaimed.

"Do you not want to see Luke's friends?" I asked her.

"I just-" Paige sighed. "I wanted to do stuff with him tonight. I wanted us to go places. My mom wanted me to go to this Academy because she thought it would teach me to be more responsible." I noticed a sad look come across her eyes. "This might be one of my last adventures for a while with Luke..."

I looked down, feeling guilty. Maybe this was all my fault. If I hadn't said that I liked music, Luke wouldn't have said that I would like his idea for tonight better. Then we might have done what Paige wanted.

But then again, I kind of do want to meet Luke's friends. And he looks so much happier when he's with his friends than when he's with Paige who bosses him around. She doesn't seem to care about him as much as he cares about her. It makes me wonder why he doesn't just leave her. I mean, he'd be happier, right?

I just know that he could do better.

She's Kinda Hot - a 5SOS Fanfic (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now