3. "The First Baby."

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Tyga and Chris were pacing back and forth for the results of the adoption papers for baby Aleia. The suspense were killing them till 4:30 came and the phone ringed.

Chris POV

It's been stressful lately beacause Ty and I been tryna wait to adopt our newborn baby Aleia. She is a few weeks old and a orphan. There were no signs of the parents, but I know she is prefect for us. It's around 4:28 and the phone hasn't ringed yet. Slowly waiting then I looked at the clock it's 4:30 then the phone started ringing. Ty rushed to the phone and picked it up.

Tyga POV

Well, this is it. "Hello?" I said with a nervous tone in my voice. "Hello, it's baby Aleia's caseworker Lisa and I have reviewed all the paperwork and yes you can take full custody of Aleia and adopt her." I leaped for joy inside myself, but I kept a calm composure. "Thank you so much, Lisa. You just don't understand how happy we are right now. Thank you." "You are certainly welcome." She hung up the phone I sat the phone down, picked up Chris and spinned him around as I kissed him. "We got our baby!" We screamed out with glee.

A few weeks later the pair brought baby Aleia home and it's been sunshine since they got the good news.

Months Later....

Chris POV

God, it's been a journey, but we made it through. Aleia is 18 months old and she is a busy body. Right now she is in her play room doing her. I walked in and saw her laying on the floor with her feet in the air. I picked her up and kissed her chubby cheeks. "Hi daddy's little angel." She giggled as she trying to escape my hold. "Dada go." I shook my head no and walked into the living room and saw Ty watching Tv. I sat Aleia on his lap and she stayed there. And walked away.

Tyga POV

I picked my baby up from my lap and kissed all over her face. "Dada!" She squealed. I stopped and laid her on my chest. She softly yawned as I laid back on the chair as I pulled it back slowly closing my eyes holding onto my baby. Yea this is the life.

Chris stood in the door frame as he watched the scene of the father daughter bonding. It amazed him how just one child changed his life for the better.

This is for you Leia, here you go. YaaGirlLeia hope you like it. Love you.

- Chryga is Life

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