11. "Meeting His Family."

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Chris was finally going to meet his future husband's family. He always heard such great things about them, but now he get to see them for himself.

I looked at Michael as we was driving to somewhere. "Babeeee please can I? I promise I won't ask no more. Pleassseee?" He kept pestering him till he cracked, but Michael wasn't gonna give in that easily. "Nope, just sit back and relax." I sat back and folded my arms. All these time we went together Michael never told me no about anything, now I don't know how to feel about that. I crossed my arms and just sit back.

Michael smiled when he saw Chris finally stopped pestering him about where they were going. He was trying to keep the whole plan a surprise for Chris. He parked his car into a driveway and looked at Chris, he saw he was sleeping. He smiled at his boyfriend and got out the car then opening the car door carefully picking up Chris and carrying him in the house. He laid him on the couch then he was greeted by an older woman. "My baby finally came home!" She exclaimed as she hugged him. He chuckled as he hugged back. "Yes ma, I'm back, but I want you to meet someone special to me." He smiled. She looked at him and smiled. "Ok who is he or she?" She was always accepting that her son was bisexual. "He is sleep on the couch." She nodded her head. "Well, leave him to rest since it's been a long trip. Which means you get some rest too. I can always warm up the food I made. Ok?" He didn't object to her he kissed her cheek and went upstairs to his room and went to sleep.

A few hours later

Everybody was gather 'round the dinner table. "Well, Michael I'm so glad that you back home after all that touring and everything else." His mom said with a smile on her face as she was cutting up the meatloaf. "I'm glad too. It was always tiring to go to from one state or country to the next." He said. Chris was a nervous wreck because this was the first time he'd heard or seen his boyfriend's mom and he didn't know if she will approve of their relationship. Tyga looked at him. "Baby, are you ok? You been quiet since you woken up." Chris' eyes widen like saucers. He quickly looked at him like he was growing a second head. "What?" Tyga said. "You just called me baby." Chris said still looking at him crazy. "That's what I always called you. Why? What's wrong? And quit lookin' at me like that." Chris changed his facial expression. "You just called me baby in front of your mom." Tyga just laughed at him and realized he was serious. "My mom knows I'm bisexual and she's cool with it. So, Baby, are you ok?" Chris just took a deep breath and nodded. Then Tyga's mom came in. "Yea, honey you don't need to be nervous Michael told me all about you when he can shut up." She giggled and Tyga's cheeks just turned blush pink. "But you everything he described to me and of course I support you too." She smiled. Chris smiled back he got up and hugged her tightly. Tyga told had already to his mom how his family don't support him because of his sexual orientation and when they met he was almost homeless and everything because they was using him for his money and his fame. Chris had tears down his face as he hugged her. She comforted him as she was whispering words of comfort in his ear.

Chris was finally happy that he got to meet his boyfriend's mom. "And baby?" Tyga said. Chris looked at him and more tears began to fall rapidly as he saw him in one knee in his hand was this beautiful ring.

 Chris looked at him and more tears began to fall rapidly as he saw him in one knee in his hand was this beautiful ring

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"So, Chris will you marry me?" Chris- charged at him and kissed him deeply. "Yes yes!" He yelled with excitement. Tyga put the ring on his finger and kissed him back.


So how ya'll like that? Sorry for not updating like I should but writer's block is no joke and I think i have chronic writer's block it's hard to get inspiration again but i'll try my best to update as much as i can.

love and thank you


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