14. "Pain Is Love."

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Warning - Contains Strong Abuse, Language and Violence

Part 1 - Tyga is in love with Chris even thought he abuses him.

Part 2 - Chris is tired of Tyga and his abuse, so he plans to run away.


Part One

Tyga POV

'Clean this, Do this, Do that.' It all echoed in my head, but most of all the threats I was told. I love him so much, but I don't understand why he hates me. He say he loves me, but he words sound sick with venom. I pray he change. I know he will, he just need some time.

After 4 hours of cleaning the whole house and his cars. I had ordered dinner for us tonight. I heard his footsteps came into the door. "Michael!" He yelled out I came running to him. "Yes?" He looked at me like I was crazy. "Yes, what?" I looked down and cleared my throat. "I'm sorry. Yes, daddy?" He cleared his throat as he looked down at me. "Is everything I wrote on the note done?" I looked at him, so he knows I'm telling him the truth. "Yes, daddy, but instead of cooking I ordered out today...If that's ok with you..." Chris looked at me and gave me a soft kiss on the forehead. "Yes, that's fine with me. What you order?" I had a small smile on my face and I said. "Your favorite, mac & cheese, greens, cornbread and fried chicken all white meat." Then he gave me another rewarding kiss on the lips, I slowly kissed back. I hope this was the change I been praying for; for so long.


After dinner Chris was actually showing affection towards me, giving me small pecks here and there and even giving me warm hugs I oh so missed. But just a switched all that changed when he got a phone call and it wasn't nothing good.

I could hear him all the way from the living room as I was washing dishes. "They what?!" I jumped a little when I heard him yelled that loud. "How could they do that? Do they not know who the fuck I am?! I'm fucking Chris Brown, Grammy Award® winner, actor, artist and businessman. If they don't want me then fuck them. Just cancel the deal or they gonna have to pay me double. It's their damn choice don't call me about shit else that ain't important." Then I heard him slam his phone down. This was not a good sign.

I slowly walked towards him. "Chris?" He glared at me with such dark eyes. I gulped hard I wanted to hide, but I know he will find me. He always does. I cleared my throat and looked down. "Daddy? You okay?" He quickly wrap his hands around my throat slowly squeezing it. Tears started to cloud my vision. I was trying so hard to get his hands off my throat. I felt myself slowly losing consciousness, my eyes began closing next thing I know I was passed out.

Chris POV

When I dropped Tyga's limp body on the floor, I finally realized that I fucked up. I picked him up bridal style, washed him up real good, got him dressed and lay him in bed. I kissed his lips softly and ran out the door. I fuckin' need help before I kill him, literally.

Next morning

Tyga POV

I woke up and realized I was in our bed. Last night was a blur, but my throat was hurting so much. I turned to my right I saw a glass of water and a piece of paper. I picked it up and read what it said.

Baby, I know I'm a huge fuck up, but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't leave me! I'm sorry about last night, I'll make it up to you the best way I can. I love you so much you my everything and I just wanna be a better man for you. I cooked you breakfast, made you a bath and brought you hella gifts. It's your day to relax. I love you so much.

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