6. "You Deserve Better."

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Chris and August been together since high school, now juniors in college things has change a lot and Chris isn't liking it at all. Till Michael came into the picture.

Chris POV

Time After Foolish Time I Break Up With Him, Take Him Back And Give 100% Of Me All The Time. Why Am I Getting Treated This Way? Why Doesn't He Love Me Anymore? Do I Need To Change The Way I Dress? The Color Of My Hair? The Style Of My Clothes? What Is It? What Do I Need To Do To Prove To Him I Love Him With My Everlasting Breath. What Can I Do? It Proves To Show I'm Not Enough Anymore. I'm All Too Used Up...Old News...Yesterday's Trash. I Meditate And Pray Just About Everyday For Us But It Seems Like Nothing's Working Anymore. I'm At My Closing And Leaving Point. August Is Pushing Me To That Point. He Doesn't Deserve Me.


I Can't Stay In My Dorm Forever. But, I Rather Stay In My Dorm Than Be In The Same Secluded Area As Him. Today was Thursday it was like 3:25 pm I was in my dorm laying down on the floor blocking out the outside world. My Beats was on my ears so I don't hear a thing. I had my eyes close thinking of a time August and I really had something special. I been gay since high school and August was the guy I fell for. I still think to myself what attracted me to him. I think that should be a mystery. I took my headphones off for a brief moment and I heard someone banging on my door.
"Chris! I Know You In Here Open This Damn Door!" He Shouted From The Other Side Of The Door.I already know who it is. August... What is he doing here?
I walked to the door. "What Do You Want August? I'm Not Letting You In And Quit Fucking Banging On My Damn Door! We're Not In The Hood." I had my arms crossed getting ready to hear what he got to say this time.
"Chris Look I'm Sorry Ok Damn What Else You Want?" See what I mean nothing but bullshit comes out his mouth. "I Don't Fucking Believe You August! Just Leave Me The Fuck Alone I Don't Wanna See You Shit I Don't Even Wanna Be Around You." I'm getting irritated just having this dumb ass conversation. "Chris..Man Why You Gotta Make Shit Difficult?" Me make shit difficult? Me?? "Why You Gotta Be Stupid As Fuck? I Don't Fuckin' Need This Shit August! I Swear You Make A Nigga Wanna Cheat Like Damn!" Like I'm being honest. Do you not know how many niggas even bitches I could've cheated with but nahh I'm stuck on August Anthony fuckin Alsina. "Chris Just Let Me In. So We Can Talk About This. I Love You; You Love Me. Please I Don't Wanna Argue." I looked at the time and it was almost 4:30 that's a damn shame. "Alright. Whateva Come In." I unlocked the door and let him in. He sat down on the couch and I stayed standing up. "Aren't You Gonna Sit Down?" "Nah You Good On That Couch By Ya Self. I Ratha Stand." And if he think I'm gonna sit by him...Tough titty bitch! "Chris We Supposed To Be Talkin'." "Talk Then Nigga. Shit You Just Wastin' Time." This is becoming more awkward. I decided to take a seat on the chair by the couch. "Talk Nigga." He just looking at me like you said we gonna talk and that's what we gonna do. He stayed lookin' at me. "Chris, Look I Love You A'ight It's Just Like Things Haven't Been The Same Since Freshman Year. I'm Admitting I Haven't Been The Best Boyfriend To You. But, I'm Willing To Change And Be Like We Was Before." What can I say to that? "Well Since You Are Admitting. Admit To Me Right Now All The Wrong You Did And Don't Lie I Know When Ya Ass Is Lyin'." I just wonder what lie he gonna tell me. "Chris..." "Nah Tell Me. Don't Hesitate August. Just Tell Me." He took a long breath and rubbed his hand down his face. "Ok Truth Be Told I Cheated A Couple Times But That It And Recently I Been Talkin' To My Ex Girlfriend But I Only Did That Because I Was Mad And I'm Sorry." As I listened to him I didn't know if I wanted to cry, run away, cuss him out or just simply punch him in the face. I pep talked myself to not cry or make any loud bursts but to hear August speaks the complete truth hurts like shit. I fuckin' failed that Don't Let That Nigga See You Cry shit. The tears were blinding my vision. "I Hate You. You're A Selfish, Arrogant Asshole. I Can't Believe To Even Think That You Still Love Me It's All Bullshit! I Can't Fuckin' Believe You August!" I couldn't take it I made my way to him and started beating his ass. "Chris! Stop! I'm Sorry!" He think sorry is gonna make me feel better? Fuck him. I gave him a black eye, a busted lip, a bloody nose and a swollen jaw. He pushed me off of him. "I Said Fuckin' Stop Now You Gonna Get Yo Ass Up Go To That Fuckin' Room And Don't Come Out!" Who do he think he talkin to? He ain't talkin to me. "Fuck You Nigga!" He picked me up but put me over his shoulder. Has he gone crazy? "August Put Me Down! I'm Not Playin' Put Me Down!" He just ignoring me. He kicked my room door open he has gone crazy. He threw me on the bed. "Have You Gone Crazy?" "Nah But You Bout To Shut Up And Take This Ass Beating." He's really isn't serious? He think sex is the answer? "No August Sex Ain't Bout To Be The Answer To Everything! Get Off Of Me!" I pushed him off and he just looked at me. "Fine Chris Fine Shit If You Want Me To Leave I'll Leave. If You Want Me To Stay I'll Stay But You Aren't Bout To Keep Pushin' A Nigga Away." I just rolled my eyes. I stayed quiet he laid down on the bed I turned my back facing him and he held me. My last final tear came out and I whispered. "You Don't Deserve Me."

Months Later...

Tyga POV

I got comfortable with Chris lately since I been here, but ummm I think I'm really falling for him. I watched him as he was reading his music book. "Creepy much?" He asked as he was chuckling. I smiled and licked my lips. "Nah, but I'm really diggin' you, Chris." He didn't say anything but looked at me as he was leaning closer to me and kissed me. I started to kiss back till I heard a voice yelled out in the distance. "THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT, CHRIS?!"

Part 2 or nahh?

- Chryga is Life

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