13. "Truth Is.."

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One Day Chris Saw Tyga Unexpectedly And He Had To Tell Him How He Felt..

Chris POV

It's been a since I had a relationship, but I guess it's fine maybe God got someone for me who knows. I was minding my business on my phone and I bumped into someone.

"Aw, my bad. I wasn't looking." The person said. "Nah, it's fine I wasn't either." At first I thought my mind was playing tricks on me, but I knew that voice from anywhere. I looked up and I was my ex Tyga.

Tyga POV

"Chris?" He looked at me and smiled a little. I hugged him and he hugged me back. "It's been a while." I said letting go. Then he let go. "Yea, it has. You back in town?" "Yea, I'm meeting my girl's family."

Chris POV

Inside I know I was dying inside a little but I kept a smile on my face. "That's good congrats. I guess I'll see you another time huh?" He nodded kissed my knuckles and left. The moment he left my heart fill down to the pit of my stomach.

I'm still in love with him. I have to tell him. I looked my phone and saw he slipped his number in. I texted him 'Meet me @ my house tonite'  I send it and took a deep breathe. I hope this will work.

Tyga POV

I saw the text message and I just looked at it. I ain't wanna be rude and text in the middle of a conversation with my girlfriend, Briana parents. But I was still gonna go over there. Looking at her, she reminded me so much of Chris from her corny funny jokes to her childish playful ways. To be honest I did miss him, but I guess it was for the best.

Chris POV

I sat at home just reminiscing what we used to be. I let him go for no reason and now since I seen him I miss him. I hope he does come over here. I got up and turned on the radio to ease my mind then Mariah's ''We Belong Together' came on like it was explaining my whole situation with just one song.

Tyga POV

I managed to tell Briana and her family I had somewhere to go. I parked in front of his house and so many memories started flooding my mind I shook 'em out and got out the car. I knocked on the door and he instantly opened it. I let myself in I saw he was looking down at me a little. He grabbed my hand and took me to his couch and sat down.

Chris POV

Here goes nothing. I took a deep breathe and looked at him.

(Play the video)

After I confessed to him, he grabbed me by my chin and deeply kissed me. "I still love you too, Chris." I nodded. "What about your girl?" He shrugged his shoulders. "I'll break it off with her in the morning." Then kissed me again. I kissed back holding him closer to me. I hope this feeling still stays with us.

Luna here, how was that? Sorry for the long wait.. writer's block again, but I'm back at it. Only 7 more chapters left. So I'm asking you guys, do y'all got any suggestions for me? And sorry I won't do an intersex imagine, I'm not good at those I'll leave those to the professionals on here. Other than that thank you and love y'all.

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