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The Rain ~ Oh Wonder
FEEL IT ~ Only Girl (JMAC Remix)
All Those Times ~ Knave


"The Gay Table"

I followed Troye down the hallway that was now only trickling with the last of students on their way to classes. All so normal looking and mundane. It was hard not to constantly cringe on how pathetic it all was.

Although the boy had been cranky with his younger brother, Troye had immediately turned sluggish and was now noticeably shuffling through the hallway. I gained an almost respect for the taller and more frail boy that seemed just as out of place as I was.

"Well here."

He nodded his head at the classroom and I followed him in.

Most of the desks were filled except for the very back. The teacher wasn't by her desk which surprised me as class had 'started' 5 minutes ago.

I began to wander to the back desks when I felt a strong hand on my shoulder.

"So your Connor? I thought you might be taller."

I spun around ready to defend myself and was greeted by a slightly taller kid with an exceptional quiff game.

After giving him a once over, I decided that a) he is super attractive b) he's not gay and c) he like every guy I had met who seemingly had a foreign accent. He also looked pretty douchy so I decided that I'd just avoid him.

So I began to turn and walk to my original destination.

"Where do you think your going?"

I continued walking knowing he just wanted a reaction.

"I said, where do you think your going?"

"Lay off."

"I said stop!"

The guy stuck his leg out noticeably trying to trip me over. But me having fought with countless opponents before, had better reaction timing. So I flipped him instead.

"I said lay off!"


I turned to see a crazed woman who I assumed was the teacher. By now all the kids had their attention directed to my stunt and I instantly regretted going so hard on the guy especially since I was on probation.

"He did it first!"

"Oh please..."

The woman's head snapped between the bickering and she pulled the guy up from the floor.

"I will NOT tolerate this in my class! You could've knocked one of the glasses down!"

She gestured to the countless test tubes and jars littering the tables.

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