Blood Wary Mary

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*Jamie's PoV*

I honestly don't know why I ran. It's just that the second I saw him I couldn't let him care for me. I didn't want him to see me down in the dumps, I just wish he could care less; that way I never have to worry about hurting him.

I didn't know where I was running but I wanted to go anywhere but here. Once the road smoothed out a bit I pulled out my board and skated away as fast as I could.

Once I was away and I felt like they weren't coming after me, I realized I didn't know where to go. I could go home and die, my friends were in school still, and I didn't feel like wandering around. I was tired and I felt like vomiting, so I found a park with a climbable tree and stopped. I tucked my board back as much as I could fit into my bag and started to climb. I went as high as I could till I found a comfortable spot.

The branch was practically straight and it was large enough to not have to worry about falling off. I just sat there and looked around at the town. I liked being up in high places. I wish I was a cat so I could have my own perch and just sit around sleeping all day.

I tried to think more about cats than school. Anytime I saw just a glimpse of the school it made me want to puke.

I pulled out my headphones and plugged them into my phone. I turned on some Seether and wished Shaun Morgan could be my own personal singer. Like seriously I would have him follow me around and sing background music to make life at least slightly more bearable.

I heard a weird sound and turned around. My heart stopped, thinking I would find a person there, but instead I just found a squirrel.

"God damn, I'm getting jumpier than Camryn," I muttered to myself.

The squirrel just gave me a weird look.

"Hi, I'm Fiction," I said to him. "I'm gonna name you Edgar."

He just sat there, flicking his tail at me.

"Edgar flicking your tail is not going to scare me it's going to make me want to hug you to death. Plus that's just rude! I bet you'd have more friends if you didn't instantly ward them off," I told him. "Here try this. All you gotta do is walk up, maybe sniff a little (but not too much cuz that's just weird), and say 'Hey I'm Edgar, the raddest baddest squirrel in town.' And you'll have lady squirrels dying at your feet."

He just continued to flick his tail at me.

"Also you shouldn't approach a lady with nuts in your mouth, that'll just confuse her." I laughed at my own joke. "Johnny Christ, if you could understand English you'd be dying of laughter cuz I'm hilarious. Then again I'm talking to a squirrel...this is just sad..." All I could do was laugh at myself. "God I'm an idiot," I said.

"Yes, yes you are," I heard from below me.

I didn't want to look down. My brain screamed not to but my eyes went for it anyway. Mr.Fancypants was standing below the tree. "Fuck..." I whispered under my breath. I'm gonna die. Even Edgar knew this wasn't good as he scampered out of the tree.

"Get down," he said.

I just ignored him.

"I said, get down now!" he said, raising his voice.

"No!" I said, not looking at him. If I'm gonna die, I might as well die with at least a tad bit of dignity.

"God dammit girl get out of that tree now!" he yelled.


He checked for anybody around us before yelling, "I swear to god girl, you are getting such a fucking beating when you get home. Come down NOW!"

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