The Cripple Blues

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*Jamie's PoV*

My alarm started to go off blasting Scream. I barely opened my eyes and already I wanted to go back to sleep. That was a long night and waking up at 6:20 am for school was not what I wanted to do. The second I stood up I was in pain. My entire body ached; my muscles attempting murder for what I put the through at the concert and my bones dying from the bruises suit guy caused. I just sighed and yawned as I headed to go and take a shower. I looked in the mirror at all the ugly scars and bruises he left. They made me feel sick. Ignoring the scars and wishing for today to be better I jumped in the shower, chugged a cup of coffee, and got dressed. With an oversized jacket and skinny jeans no one could see the bruises and with my messy hair and smudged make up I looked like I hadn't slept at all. Just the look I was going for. I made super cheesy faces in the mirror at myself for a bit and finally started to cheer up.

I ran to grab my backpack and shoes before anyone woke up and successfully got out the door and on my skateboard. The fresh air felt amazing on my way to school. I just kept reminded myself of the concert and how great it was. I could instantly feel myself getting happier and I could feel the rush and adrenaline of being in a mosh pit. I sped up and got to school early enough to sit out front with my friends before the bell. Joan and Camryn were already there and I skated up to join them.

I go to tiny middle school. It has three hallways, a black top and a soccer field in the back, and a field in front. While everyone else hangs out in front of the school by the door, my group likes to hang out on the black top. I enjoy jumping from the cement picnic tables and running through the field rather than just standing around waiting.

As soon as I got up to them I grabbed Camryn and dragged her along with me skipping in circles.

"Fiction!" she yelled as I forced her to skip with me. "Fic-Fiction! Let me go!"

I just laughed. "But skipping is funnnn!"

"No its not!" Camryn yelled.

I laughed and released her. We stood there and headed over to Joan. As normal we started our conversation and let it get weird.

"So you know how my dad is technically crippled right now?" Camryn asked.

"Yeah," Joan and I replied.

"Well he was like 'we should write a song' like 'yay father daughter bonding time!' so naturally I decided it should be about crippled people."

Camryn had been joking with her dad about him being crippled for a while. He didn't mind so it was a lot of fun to join in.

"Ohh we should write a country song since they're so simple! All you have to do is state the obvious!" I yelled. I hate country, I'm sorry but country music kills my brain cells.

"Nah I was thinkin more of a cripple blues," she said.

"A'ight I got this, we gotta do a Da nunanunu kinda blues!" I said.

We started yelling together "DUNUNUNUNU I'm paralyzed... DUNUNUNUNU Can't feel mah toes... DUNUNUNUNU something something something... DUNUNUNUNU CUZ I'VE GOT THE CRIPPLE BLUES!!!"

"Shut up!" some kid yelled.

Camryn and I just screamed at them while Joan laughed his ass off and Kick laughed as she walked up to join us.

"What just happened?" she asked.

"Camryn and Fic just made a song," Joan laughed.

"And its gonna be a top seller!!!" I yelled and highfived Camryn.

"We have to have a music video for it!!" Camryn shouted.

"Ermahgersh of course!" I yelled. "Alright I think it should go a little somethin like this." I ran out into the field and jumped up and shouted "Look what I can do!!"

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