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"Quincy, stay on the sidewalk." I kept telling my little sister over and over.

She was eleven now but hated listening to people, especially me. My parents said I shouldn't blame her because she had slight autism but it was still hard to not get annoyed with her. She never even called me by my name. She would always call me Kit or Kitty. It was like that ever since she was little. She couldn't say my name correctly so just called me Kitty all the time. My real name was Katerina but I was told to let her call me whatever she wanted when she first started calling me that. She'd get angry when she didn't get her way. Now, I was just used to it.

Besides, I was the one who had to look out for her. I was over all the weird things she did. Was it embarrassing? Yes. Did I still care? Maybe a little bit.

"I am on the sidewalk!" she whined even though she wasn't walking on the sidewalk, she was walking next to it.

"Quin, that's not-"

"Kit, I wanna go get ice cream." she interrupted, sounding calmer.

I sighed, "We can't go to the parlor, we need to go home first."

"After?" she asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, mom will take you after."

"I want you to take me."

"I have homework, Quin."

While Quin was only eleven, I was fifteen and had tons of homework now that I was in high school. Quin also had homework but she always did her's at a specific time: after dinner and before her shower. If anyone tried to make her do it earlier, she'd throw a fit. I'll admit she was getting better at not freaking out over everything. Because her autism wasn't that bad, it wasn't that hard to teach her right from wrong. She was also taking some special classes to help.

"Do it later like me." she shrugged.

"I can't because then I'll procrastinate." I told her.

We were already reaching our home. We lived on a dead end street and had to walk to and from the bus stop that was at the beginning of our street. Usually we walked with our neighbor, Calum Hood who was a grade ahead of me but he'd recently gotten his license since he turned sixteen not too long ago. The reason he didn't drive us home was because we weren't actually friends, just neighbors who were nice to each other and talked from time to time.

Turning into our driveway, Quin started running toward the door with her bag bouncing on her back. She was already yelling for our mom when she reached the halfway point between the sidewalk and our front door.

I kept my normal pace so I was just getting through the gate when Calum pulled into his driveway, using his mom's car -- she worked from home as a seamstress. I walked over to the white picket fence that separated our property from theirs as he got out of the car and waved.

"Hey, Kat." he greeted with a smile, walking over to where I was and resting his arms on the gate. "How was the walk home?"

"Same as always." I shrugged. "How's driving?"

He chuckled, "Gives me a sense of freedom. I was actually able to stop to get coffee before I got home, and before I got to school."

"Since when are you obsessed with coffee?" I raised an eyebrow. "Last I checked, you were a tea kind of person."

There was a high pitched scream that came from my house. I didn't know what it could be since there shouldn't be any big surprises for Quincy because my parents always let me in on them. I couldn't see why they'd do anything to upset her so much that she'd throw a hissy fit either.

"Is that your sister?" Calum asked.

"Yeah."I sighed and looked toward the house where the front door was still open. I called, "Quincy, keep it down!"

Not too long after that, she came running out onto the front lawn with blood dripping from a gash in her arm. She was still screaming and crying, "Kitty!"

"Holy shit!" Calum gasped, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"Quin, what happened?" I asked worriedly, running over to meet her.

My question was answered when my parents came stumbling out of the house, looking very different. Their skin looked pale and had a greenish tint to it. Their eyes looked almost completely white except for their pupils and they had bite marks all over their necks and arms. My mom's mouth was dripping with blood that I assumed was from Quincy's arm.

"C-Calum, get back in the car!" I yelled to him, grabbing Quin and running back to the fence.

Calum quickly took her from me and lifted her over, his phone squished between his shoulder and his cheek, "I need to go get my mom and my sister. You just get in the car and wait for me."

He tossed me his keys and I got over the gate, taking Quin's hand and running to the car. I opened the back door but Quin just stood there with wide eyes and her eyebrows furrowed. Her jaw was slack and her arm started twitching.

"Quincy?" I asked quietly.

Calum ran back out of the house only seconds later, "They got my mom too!" he shouted, and stopped as he saw Quin's strange behavior. "Oh no..."

"What?" I asked frantically, looking over at him.

"I think she's turning." he stated. "Kat, we gotta leave her. Get in the car."

I shook my head, "No, she's my sister!"

Calum widened his eyes and ran around the back of the car. He shoved Quin away who he had noticed was just about to bite me, and threw me into the open door of the backseat while she was on the ground. He slammed the door shut and ran to his side of the car just as his mom was coming out of the house, looking a lot like my parents. He started the car and immediately backed out of the driveway without putting his seat belt on. I tried to open the door but Calum put the child locks on.

"Calum, we can't leave her!" I cried, pounding on the window.

"Kat, she's gone. That's not your sister anymore just like that's not my mom." he said, gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles had gone white. "We need to get out of here."

I stayed in the backseat and turned to look out the back window, watching as my sister got up and stared back at me with the same lifeless white eyes as my parents and his mom. As realization that I couldn't protect my sister like I was supposed to, and that I would never see her or my family again hit me, I started to cry.





New story idea that I hope works out bc it actually seems p good to me

Also if you're good at making covers hmu bc this one sucks

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