Finally Free

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After the funeral, there was a dinner served in the hall. Nothing all too special, only the quality of the meal was higher than normal. Mr Ford wanted to see us after the meal, according to one of his assistants.

The five of us trooped along the hallway. All of us still shocked because of Harri's death. Despite all of us walking in silence, Rhys seemed to have this feeling about him that he wasn't going to speak again for a long time. I didn't blame him, he had lost so much in the course of just a few months.

The door to Mr Ford's office was already open and waiting, Mr Ford himself sitting patiently at his desk. He motioned for us to come in when he saw us. There weren't any chairs around, so we just hung about, waiting for him to tell us whatever he needed to tell us. The same lump in my throat rose again. I had been thinking too much about Harri. Mr Ford sucked in a deep breath before turning to face us.

"I'm sorry," was all he said. I noticed Rhys looked away momentarily, wiping away a tear that had slipped.

"It's alright. It's not your fault," I replied. It should have be him counselling us not the other way round.

"Right," Vaseva added. Her nails were pressed tightly into her hand. She had had the same thought as me.

"I suppose," Mr Ford seemed to brush off our intense glares. "Back to business then," he hit the desk with his hands and stood up. "I've gathered you all here because I need to tell you about the... Arrangements being made to get you to a safe home."

"What are they?" Prasan asked. His voice was quieter than usual, not like the Prasan I knew before the apocalypse. Everyone had become very self-aware and quieter since the beginning. They all seemed to be lost in their own thoughts, or perhaps even their minds. Maybe they were searching for their sanity that they were all so obviously close to losing.

"We have contacted your closest family members. Some have god parents which they will go to, others will have aunts and uncles," he eyed me uneasily. I was probably the only one without a godparent. "I'm assuming you all have someone in mind."

"When do we leave?" Lennon asked. Lennon was hugging himself tighter than usual and was chewing his bottom lip subconsciously.

"Later on today. You will pack your things and go back to UK where all your relatives are," Mr Ford looked at each one of us in turn, making sure we all looked like we understood the situation. "Harri will also be travelling over. He will be buried back where he was born." There was that feeling again, the one in my heart. The one of complete and utter desperation for someone to be alive again.

"What about the pets?" I managed to ask.

"They will be going with their respective owners," he bounced his palms off the desk and leaned backwards, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Will it be civilian transport?" I wondered if we were going back via the Channel Tunnel or by plane. I assumed it was the latter.

"No, it will be a military plane." Thought so. "We will need you ready by 1500 hours; the runway isn't too far from here. The plane will take off as soon as possible. You are dismissed." He waved us away with his hand, and we filled out in a thin line. We made our way back to the dorms to pack, but of course, I had already done that. I just needed to put my issued-pyjamas in it. My clothes were still back at the house, along with everything else I owned. I doubted I would ever see them again. Perhaps when they clear out the house they might send a few possessions forward to me.

I packed my pyjamas before sitting down on the bed, the duffel bag beside me. I could not believe it was all over. All those days of hopelessness had passed and now what seemed like only a bright future lay ahead of me. Vaseva sat next to me after she had finished.

"I can't believe its over," I muttered, "it seems almost unreal."

"Keep in touch, if you can," was all she answered with.

"I will. We all should. We've been through so much together it would be a real shame if we all went out separate ways immediately." She nodded subtly. I wasn't too sure where the rest of the day went, but I don't remember much of it. Mostly just waiting around, going to lunch, then going back to the dorm.

When it was finally time to leave, I almost didn't want to. The life I had been living seemed to be the only one I can remember living. It was all I had known, and life before the apocalypse had become all but a blur. I remembered the time Harri held me in his arms and I was able to remember everything. I won't be able to do that anymore.

And, for the last time, me, Prasan, Vasvea, Lennon, and Rhys all trudged out to the Humvees that were waiting for us. I fiddled with my thumbs as we walked; it seemed like a precious moment that would be ruined if someone were to speak. I threw the duffel bag into the bag with the rest of them before clambering into the car. When I was buckled in, all I wanted to do was curl up into a ball and listen to music. I hadn't realised how much I missed music until then. When the car started up and pulled out, I asked quietly if it had a radio or some sort of music station. Unfortunately, they didn't. Or, at least one that worked.

I closed my eyes to stop the tears falling. I had cried enough already, and I knew that I was bound to cry even more.

Before I could fully register anything, I was seated on the plane and taking off. I placed a delicate hand on the window and muttered a solemn goodbye to the land, which I would miss dearly. I took my head in my hands and sobbed quietly.

I could see him again, he was walking towards me. He was alive. A smile broke out on my face and I ran to him. I felt his arms wrap around me. He didn't have an amputation.

We were on a hill, looking out over the town which our school was based. He kissed me gently before sitting down. I sat down next to him. He put his arm around my shoulders.

A light breeze was flowing gently over our hill. The sun was heating up my skin comfortably. The birds were signing and the butterflies were flying all around us. I didn't want to close my eyes. I felt his gaze turn to me, and I looked into his beautiful eyes again. Those eyes that still gave me butterflies in my stomach.

"You see those butterflies?" I asked, pointing to them. He nodded, though never letting his eyes leave my face. "That's how I feel whenever I'm around you."

"Still?" He asked quietly, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes." His grip tightened ever so slightly. I turned to face him again. "I will always love you. I will always have this feeling for you. No matter what. Even if you do tear my heart out."

"I will never hurt you. I will never leave you, ever. I will always be with you," he took my hand in his and interlocked our fingers. We kissed again. Harri pulled away and mumbled, "I love you."

The jolt shook me awake. I looked around, hoping to find Harri somewhere, anywhere. He was right next to me...

He was never coming back. Ever. I bit my lip to silence my cries.

I got off the plane and collected my petty duffel bag. My uncle and aunt were waiting for me. I turned to Vaseva and hugged her tightly.

"I'm going to miss you," I said quietly.

"I'm going to miss you too," she replied. I hugged Prasan and Lennon, before turning to Rhys and engulfing him in a bear hug.

"Rhys, if you need anything, ever, please message me. I hope you find your sister. Stay safe." I released him and looked him in the eyes. He had his eyes. I turned away to help myself.

I walked slowly up to my aunt and uncle and hugged them quickly. I just wanted to get away as quickly as possible, and lock myself away. I needed to think. I needed him with me.

I just needed to hear his voice again.

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